


I want to make an Android Application, that uses Google Maps. I have installed Eclipse, Android JDK and an AVD (Android Virtual Device). I followed this tutorial: http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/hello-world.html and made my first app. And it works :)


But, to develop an Android app that uses Google Maps API, you have to obtain a Google Maps API Key. According to this link http://code.google.com/android/add-ons/google-apis/mapkey.html you obtain the key by getting the MD5 fingerprint of your debug key in the JDK folder. The problem is that this fingerprint is different from computer to computer.


So my problem is this: we have to develop on multiple computers. We are using subversion as a source control on this project. How can this be solved?


If I register my MD5 fingerprint and obtain a GM API Key, this key won't work on any other computer. I know that one solution is that each and every one of the developers get their own personal API key, but I don't think this is a smooth solution.


I've tried to read up on MD5 fingerprints, and as I understand it you can create, export and import them. So, could the solution be that I create a spesific fingerprint, export it, send it to all the other developers and then they can import it? But as I understand it have to be a debug sertificate? And in that case, how to I make, export and importe one? I've treid to read up on this, and know that I use the keytool command, but I can't find any simple examples. Please enlighten me :)


您可以得到 debug.keystore 从一个团队成员,放入颠覆,然后instructy其他团队memebrs与一个来自库替换他们的 debug.keystore 文件。

You can get debug.keystore from one of the team members, put into Subversion and then instructy other team memebrs to replace theirs debug.keystore file with one from repository.

ADD1 :请参阅此链接也:http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/thread/c9051635ab37f252

ADD2 : http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/app-signing.html#debugmode

有关AVDS默认存储位置是在〜/ .android /在OS X和Linux,在C: Documents和Settings .android 在Windows XP中,并在C: Users 用户.android 在Windows Vista和Windows 7。

The default storage location for AVDs is in ~/.android/ on OS X and Linux, in C:Documents and Settings.android on Windows XP, and in C:Users.android on Windows Vista and Windows 7.


