
由网友(梦一场)分享简介:虽然类似的questions已被要求在过去,他们似乎没有真正的被回答,这可能是由于混乱,什么被问。While similar questions have been asked in the past they don't seem to really have been answered which might b...


While similar questions have been asked in the past they don't seem to really have been answered which might be due to confusion as to what's being asked.


Put simply, I'd like to detect which view is being entered as your finger slides over the screen. The best example of this in action is the soft keyboard on any android phone. When you press any key it shows up as a popup to tell you what letter is under your finger. If you now move your finger over the keyboard in a single gesture the various letters pop up as you move over the various letters of the alphabet.


What listeners are used for this type of behaviour. I've tried OnTouchListeners but they seem to be only when you 'touch' the button as opposed to 'finger past' them

Button button = (Button)findViewById(R.id.button);
button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
  public void onClick(View v) {doStuff();}

button.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
  public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
      return false;

OnFocusChangeListener 没有帮助的。


答案很简单,你不能 - 不喜欢iPhone的时候在辅助功能模式

The simple answer is you can't - not like the iPhone when in accessibility mode.


Until Ice Cream Sandwich that is. It now has the iPhone-like capability of being able to identify elements under your finger without having to lift it.


