在Android GetPTLAFormat PhoneGap的错误错误、Android、GetPTLAFormat、PhoneGap

由网友(湔蒤①爿嫼暗)分享简介:我们正在开发使用jQuery Mobile和手机的差距的应用程序。似乎一切都工作正常,但是,我们看到吨的错误这样在Eclipse的logcat连接Android手机上运行应用程序时We are developing an app using jQuery mobile and phone gap. Everythin...

我们正在开发使用jQuery Mobile和手机的差距的应用程序。似乎一切都工作正常,但是,我们看到吨的错误这样在Eclipse的logcat连接Android手机上运行应用程序时

We are developing an app using jQuery mobile and phone gap. Everything seems to be working fine but when running the app on a connected Android phone we see tons of errors like this in the Eclipse logcat

:0: GetPTLAFormat: invalid format


Any idea what this is or how to resolve it?



I believe it has something to do with a new standard for disabling auto events. There is a similar question about Embedding iframes where they are having an issue with auto-playing videos.

我曾与一个jquerymobile科尔多瓦应用程序相同的问题。我的索引页是一个醒目网页,当科尔多瓦已成功加载它定位到我的主应用程序页面。我用 jQuery.mobile.navigate(我的空间); 。这给了我20 0:GetPTLAFormat:无效的格式错误。我试过 jQuery.mobile.changePage 来代替,而只拿到了3个错误。

I have had the same issue with a jquerymobile cordova app. My index page is a splash page and when cordova has successfully loaded it navigates to my main application page. I was using jQuery.mobile.navigate(myPage);. This gave me about 20 :0: GetPTLAFormat: invalid format errors. I tried jQuery.mobile.changePage instead and got only 3 errors.

随着网页过渡不发生从我试图给我的闪屏图像的用户输入的任何一个的onclick 甚至过渡代替。不是很实用的最终应用,但只是作为一个测试。我仍然得到错误与浏览,但是有一个onclick和 changePage 我没有得到任何错误。

As the page transition happens without any input from the user I tried giving my splash screen image an onclick even to transition instead. Not very practical for the final application, but just as a test. I still get the errors with navigate, however with an onclick and changePage I do not get any errors.


My conclusion is that the new standard doesn't allow automatic playing and transitioning etc. I still haven't figured out a way to get around this but the solution seems to be to have a user trigger the event and it solves the problem.


