
由网友(你给我的半点好我都想炫耀)分享简介:我的PhoneGap的应用程序拒绝加载到我的Andr​​oid设备(甚至HellowWorld默认的应用程序被拒绝加载)My Phonegap app refuses to load onto my Android device (even the HellowWorld default app is refusin...


My Phonegap app refuses to load onto my Android device (even the HellowWorld default app is refusing to load)

一切都运行好了,直到今天。 这是我的控制台日志:

Everything was running just great until today. Here's my console log:

***>adb devices
List of devices attached
4c05609b        device

***>phonegap run --device -V android
[phonegap] detecting Android SDK environment...
[phonegap] using the local environment
[phonegap] compiling Android...
[phonegap] Generating config.xml from defaults for platform "android"
[phonegap] Compiling app on platform "android" via command "cmd" /c ***platformsandroidcordovabuild
[phonegap] Platform "android" compiled successfully.
[phonegap] successfully compiled Android app
[phonegap] installing app onto device
[phonegap] Generating config.xml from defaults for platform "android"
[phonegap] Running app on platform "android" via command "cmd" /c ***platformsandroidcordovarun --device


It just sits there saying running... forever.

我还有一个终端窗口亚行logcat 运行,在某些时候开(也许10-15秒到最后一行得到印)停止记录。终止进程和后续调用到比较悬亚行logcat 的结果(没有记录的话)

I have another terminal window open with adb logcat running and at some point (maybe 10-15 seconds into that last line getting printed) it stops logging. Termination of the process and subsequent calls to adb logcat result in more hanging (no logging at all)


So then I have to do a kill-server, start-server to break out of this endless hanging at which point the phonegap process terminates with:

       [error] An error occurred while running the android project.
                    throw e;
ERROR: Failed to launch application on device: ERROR: Failed to install apk to d
evice: Error executing "adb -s 4c05609b install -r "***platformsandroidbinPo
ached-debug-unaligned.apk"": protocol failure


删除我.cordova文件夹C: Users 用户名 运行ADB直接安装(不PhoneGap的) 部署到仿真器(同样的问题) 在拔下/重新插入设备 重新启动所有设备 在反复开发模式的设备和撤销USB调试权限


将大大AP preciate任何提示或线索。

Would greatly appreciate any tips or leads.

亚行版本1.0.31 的

的Galaxy S3运行的是Android 4.3版的



Deploying to an emulator claims to complete successfully, but the app never opens and does not appear in the app list inside the emulator. So I have no way of actually testing it on the emulator either.

真的AP preciate一些帮助。

Would really appreciate some assistance.


在一些进一步的修修补补我发现我的问题,可以更具体地描述为的亚行挂起(冻结),当我试图跟我的设备。的我已经确定了这一点,因为 ADB外壳的 ADB安装和亚行推的所有上述故障的方法相同。没有错误,只是有限的等待。

After some further tinkering I've discovered my issue can be more specifically described as ADB hangs (freezes) when I attempt to talk to my device. I've determined this because adb shell, adb install, and adb push all fail the same way as described above. No error, just finite waiting.

亚行logcat 的 ADB设备的,和其他读取功能完全正常工作,直到上述写入功能之一挂在这种情况下,我需要做的亚行杀死服务器或 TASKKILL 的获得的亚行logcat 的再次合作。

adb logcat, adb devices, and other read functions work perfectly fine until one of the aforementioned write functions hangs in which case I need to do a adb kill-server or TASKKILL to get adb logcat working again.


Not sure if this added information helps, but there you go. The last thing I haven't yet tried is to do a factory reset on my phone as suggested by this fellow. If I can't find a solution soon I will back up my data as best I can and attempt this...


Please save me before this becomes my last option!



In case this helps others I had a problem with similar symptoms. ADB install -r "apk path" would hang indefinitely.



I have an USB extender cable as that I plug my devices into. The combined length of my device's cable and the USB extender cable caused this issue. Removing the extension cable fix the issue and eventually I replaced my USB extender cable with a shorter extension cable for the final solution.


