Android的Maven插件没有得到ANDROID_HOME ENV变量在Eclipse变量、插件、Maven、Android

由网友(悲徒)分享简介:我工作的一个Android应用程序的项目,这是一个Maven项目。当我尝试运行的行家安装这是我所得到的:i'm working on an Android app project and it is a Maven project.when i try to run as "maven install" this...

我工作的一个Android应用程序的项目,这是一个Maven项目。 当我尝试运行的行家安装这是我所得到的:

i'm working on an Android app project and it is a Maven project. when i try to run as "maven install" this is what i get:

无法执行的目标的Maven的插件:3.1.1:产生-人士预期Android的客户端(默认生成-源):没有Android SDK中的路径。可以发现你可以将它配置使用POM文件的插件配置一节...或者...或者在命令行使用-Dandroid.sdk.path = ...或通过设置环境变量ANDROID_HOME - > [说明1]

"Failed to execute goal (default-generate-sources) on project android-client: No Android SDK path could be found. You may configure it in the plugin configuration section in the pom file using ... or ... or on command-line using -Dandroid.sdk.path=... or by setting environment variable ANDROID_HOME -> [Help 1]"


if i hardcode my android_home path into pom.xml,it works fine but we use git and everyone may have different paths for android_home.why doesn't android-maven-plugin get env variable in eclipse?

android_home ENV变量在我的道路。 我写在我的pom.xml $ {env.ANDROID_HOME},但它仍然没有奏效。

android_home env variable is in my PATH. i wrote ${env.ANDROID_HOME} in my pom.xml but it still didn't work.


strangely,if i use terminal (mvn install) to run as maven install,it works!


actually this is quite optional problem for me but still i want to know why this plugin does not work in Eclipse.



You need to create a system variable for ANDROID_HOME, not set it in your PATH.


