主题/处理程序错误 - 指定的消息队列同步屏障令牌尚未发布令牌、队列、屏障、错误

由网友(绿绿.)分享简介:我收到此错误 - java.lang.IllegalStateException:指定的消息队列同步屏障令牌尚未发布或已经被删除java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified message queue synchronization barrier token has...

我收到此错误 -


java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified message queue synchronization barrier token has not been posted or has already been removed.

作为一个相对较新的的Java / Android的,这是毫无疑问不是我错过了,但我做的是这样的 -

As a relative newcomer to Java/Android, there is no doubt something I have missed, but what I am doing is this -


I have a project which uses Exif Data to display Photos according to the date they were taken, and the intention is to use a similar model on each stage...

工作线程 - > UI线程 - >自定义显示适配器。然后点击在GridView中单元格1触发下一个活动。所有照片文件的第一个活动的搜索,打造十年的名单,然后以后每次活动它过滤到月,日等。

Worker Thread -> UI Thread -> Custom Display Adapter. Then clicking on one of the "Cells" in GridView triggers the next Activity. The First Activity searches for all the Photo Files, creating a list of "Years", and then each subsequent activity filters it to months, days etc.


Starting the second activity however launches straight into the above error, and the Messages are dealt with via the basic Thread/Handler set-up.

下面是传递消息给线程的类 -

Here is the class that is passing the messages to the thread -

public class MonthSort {
Handler handler;
int imageWidth;
List<PhotoData> photoList;
public MonthSort(Handler handler2, int width, List<PhotoData> pList) {
    photoList = new ArrayList<PhotoData>();
    photoList = pList;
    imageWidth = width;
    handler = handler2;

public void sortFiles()
    int month, photoCount;
    File fileName = new File("");
    Message msg = handler.obtainMessage();
    //Message msg = Message.obtain();
    //Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
            month = i + 1;
            photoCount = 0;
            for (PhotoData pd : photoList) {
                if(month == pd.month)
                    if(photoCount == 0)
                        fileName = pd.fileName;
            if(photoCount != 0)

                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putString("filename", fileName.toString());
                bundle.putInt("month", month);
                bundle.putInt("count", photoCount);
                byte[] thumbNail = getThumbnail(fileName, imageWidth);
                bundle.putByteArray("thumbnail", thumbNail);


    } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        Log.d("Debug", "handler error occurs in monthSort class");
    /*Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    bundle.putBoolean("end", true);


... and this is the code that receives it in the UI Thread.

public class MonthActivity extends Activity {
List<PhotoData> photoList;
static List<MonthData> photos;
int imageWidth;
GridView photoGrid;
static ImageAdapter2 iAdapter;
int year;
Thread monthSortThread;

Handler handler2 = new Handler() {
    public void handleMessage(Message msg) 
        Bundle bundle = msg.getData();  // Get the message sent to the Handler.
        boolean ended = bundle.getBoolean("end");
            //Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "FINISHED !!!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        } else
            try {
                MonthData md = new MonthData();
                md.monthValue = bundle.getInt("month");
                md.monthString = getMonthString(md.monthValue);
                md.count = bundle.getInt("count");
                byte[] tn = bundle.getByteArray("thumbnail");
                md.thumbnail =  BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(tn, 0, tn.length);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                Log.d("Debug", "handler error occurs in UI Handler");


Please note that I haven't included all of the code, just the parts I feel are relevant.


The previous activity managed to successfully operate messages in the same way, why not the second activity ?


I understand that the Main UI thread already has a looper set-up, and therefore you don't have to create one. Is that still true of any subsequent Activities that are launched ?


我得到了同样的问题,因为你在这里做。经过两天的斗争中,我找到了一种方法来解决它。 这很简单。只是在你的handlerMessage()更新任何UI前添加this.obtainMessage()。 这样做了以后,一切都将现在被罚款。

I got the same problem as you did here. After two days' struggle, I found a way to solve it. It is simple. Just add this.obtainMessage() in your handlerMessage() before updating any UI. After doing this, everything will be fine now.

我想这是因为我们的UI线程和后台线程之间的太快,在这种情况下Android系统无法调度消息妥善全部由自己沟通。当我们强迫的Andr​​oid这样做,问题就迎刃而解了。 我不知道,这只是一个猜测。 我希望它可以帮助你。

I guess it was because we are communicating between UI thread and background thread too quickly in which situation the Android system can not dispatch Msg properly all by itself. When we force Android to do so, problem solved. I am not sure, it's just a guess. I hope it can help you.


