
由网友(傲娇小妖精)分享简介:我相信这是近期谷歌地图API V2的限制。他们最近添加到画一个圈在地面上的能力 - 但如果你想要放置的摄像头,使得它显示了整个圈子,存在没有办法做到这一点。I believe this is a limitation of the recent Google Maps API v2. They have recent...

我相信这是近期谷歌地图API V2的限制。他们最近添加到画一个圈在地面上的能力 - 但如果你想要放置的摄像头,使得它显示了整个圈子,存在没有办法做到这一点。

I believe this is a limitation of the recent Google Maps API v2. They have recently added the ability to draw a Circle on the ground - but if you want to position the camera such that it shows the entire Circle, there exists no way to do so.


One can call CameraUpdateFactory#newLatLngBounds(bounds, padding) where "bounds" is a LatLngBounds and "padding" is a distance in pixels. The issue is that there is no way to create a LatLng and a radius into a LatLngBounds.


The constructor for LatLngBounds only takes 2 LatLng instances and generates a rectangle where these are the NW and SE corners.


就像 Risadinha 提到的,你可以很容易地实现与 Android的地图-utils的。只需添加:

Just like Risadinha mentioned, you can easily achieve that with android-maps-utils. Just add:

compile 'com.google.maps.android:android-maps-utils:0.3.4'


to your gradle dependencies, and use the following code:

public LatLngBounds convertCenterAndRadiusToBounds(LatLng center, double radius) {
    LatLng southwest = SphericalUtil.computeOffset(center, radius * Math.sqrt(2.0), 225);
    LatLng northeast = SphericalUtil.computeOffset(center, radius * Math.sqrt(2.0), 45);
    return new LatLngBounds(southwest, northeast);


我们的目标是计算两个点( LatLngs ):西南东北。从的SphericalUtil你可以阅读 225 45 标题值,和半径*的Math.sqrt(2.0)距离

Our goal is to calculate two points (LatLngs): southwest and northeast. From the javadoc of the SphericalUtil you can read that 225 and 45 are heading values, and the radius * Math.sqrt(2.0) is the distance. Further explanation of the values in the picture below:


