有没有办法把一个EditText /输入字段复制到一个主屏幕小工具?没有办法、字段、小工具、屏幕

由网友(璐①直嘟恠)分享简介:我想我的用户在主屏幕上输入的东西,但我每次添加一个EditText它打破了小部件。我做了一些谷歌搜索发现,他们显然不支持小部件。有一个谷歌搜索窗口小部件每一个Android手机上的输入字段的,所以我想知道是否有什么办法可以有一个在我的小工具。I want my user to input something on t...


I want my user to input something on the homescreen, but every time I add an Edittext to the widget it breaks. I did a little google searching to find that they apparently are not supported in widgets. There is a Google Search widget with an input field on every android phone though, so I am wondering if there is any way to have one in my widget.



I noticed that the Google search bar doesn't actually have an input, instead it just opens an activity on touch. But there are still other apps like FriendStream which have input parts of their widgets.


,因为它使用修改后的意识homescreens的FriendStream可以做到这一点。这也使滚动,这只是可能在股票的Andr​​oid 3.0以来(蜂巢)及以上。

FriendStream can do it because it uses the modified Sense homescreens. It also enables scrolling that is only possible on "stock" Android since 3.0 (Honeycomb) and above.



Sense: Enables since 1.5 at least (and i think before) input and scroll on any Android version homescreens

的Andr​​oid 3.0:开始支持一些检测的功能,例如滚动的主屏幕,但仍无法输入

Android 3.0: Started supporting some of the Sense features, for example scroll on home screen but still not input

所以,你也许可以通过的EditText上homescrens添加输入(或somethink喜欢它),但仅限于HTC Sense的手机。

So, you can probably add input via edittext on homescrens (or somethink like it) but ONLY on HTC Sense phones.

我不认为这是一个很好的IDEIA虽然,但是这已经在你的选择: - )

I don't think that's a good ideia though, but that's already your choice :-)


