
由网友(橘猫)分享简介:我们有一个应用程序工作正常的Mac和Windows平台,目前针对Android和iOS的,应用程序使用libxml的XML数据的分析,我的问题是?We have an application working fine for Mac and Windows platform, now targeting for A...

我们有一个应用程序工作正常的Mac和Windows平台,目前针对Android和iOS的, 应用程序使用libxml的XML数据的分析,我的问题是?

We have an application working fine for Mac and Windows platform, now targeting for Android and iOS, Application using libxml for parsing of XML data, and my question is ?

1 - 我需要建立的libxml为Android平台或它已经存在作为NDK的一部分吗?

1 -- Do i need to build libxml for Android platform or its already there as a part of NDK ?


if need to build any pointers how to start ?




Write an Android.mk that can successfully build libxml, and depend on the result of that in your main Android.mk. You can try to build libxml natively (using the configure script and make) on your Mac to get an idea of what files need to be built, and if any special flags need to be passed.


Or, Use libxml's configure script and build libxml for Android using the NDK's toolchain. You'll have to do something like this:


export CC="$NDK_ROOT/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/Darwin-x86/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc"
export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$SYSROOT"
export LDFLAGS="--sysroot=$SYSROOT"

./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabi --enable-static --disable-shared
make libxml2.la

从技术上主机三联供Android是 ARM-Linux的androideabi ,但大多数配置脚本不承认它,并为我们的目的, -gnueabi 足够接近。

Technically the host triplet for Android is arm-linux-androideabi, but most configure scripts don't recognize it, and for our purposes here, -gnueabi is close enough.

我结束了提示使libxml2.la 而不仅仅是因为测试没有建立正常。由此产生的库将结束在的.libs / 文件夹。

I ended up suggesting make libxml2.la rather than just make because the tests weren't building properly. The resulting library will end up in the .libs/ folder.


The second method might be a little easier, but if you intend to build your app for multiple architectures (arm, armv7-a, maybe even x86 and mips), writing your own Android.mk will save you time in the long run.


