
由网友(维持关系)分享简介:我坚持共墙的AIDL接口。我有一个应用程序,它具有通过第三方应用程序进行控制(我有足够的控制这个,所以我可以让他们实现什么都我需要为他们的活动)I've stuck a total wall with the AIDL interfacing. I've an app which has to be controll...


I've stuck a total wall with the AIDL interfacing. I've an app which has to be controlled via 3rd party application (I've enough control over this so I can ask them to implement what ever I need into their activity)


Originally my app was also an activity with interface and everything but I've changed it to be a background service and for testing, I created a dummy app which manages to start the service app to the background.


Now I would like a way to request method calls from the service (mainly; start, stop, sendData). I've created the .aidl files for both apps. The aidl file implements only one method (this is courtesy of some other question here.)

package foo.testapp;
interface IScript 
     String executeScript(String script); 


while the other aidl is same except the package is "foo.otherapp". The implementations I've found online had same package for both aidl files, but for me this causes an error (guess this is just a problem on my part since I hate namespaces and packages so I often just name them badly, if it's important to change them, I can do it)

该计划是使用这个方法来将字符串发送到服务,只是有超过$ P $开关pdefined字符串来调用正确的方法(也可以只实现三种不同的方法,如果它提高了使用)。

The plan was to use this method to send a string to the service and just have a switch over predefined strings to call a correct method ( could also just implement three different methods if it improves the usage).


Anyway... I can't get the aidl to connect, I get error "Unable to start service intent

{行为= foo.testapp.IScript}:未找到

{act=foo.testapp.IScript } : not found

我想这个猜测有事情做与我的误解,即。 packagenames左右)

I would this guess has something to do with my misunderstandings ie. packagenames or so)


this is the implementation in my test activity app

private final IScript.Stub mBinder = new IScript.Stub()
    public String executeScript(String script) throws RemoteException
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
IScript mService = null;
private ServiceConnection mConnection = new ServiceConnection() 
     public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) 
         mService = IScript.Stub.asInterface(service);
     public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) 
         mService = null;


Then in OnCreate() method I'll do this:

bindService(new Intent(IScript.class.getName()),
            mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);


In service class I have this;

public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) 
    // Select the interface to return.  If your service only implements
    // a single interface, you can just return it here without checking
    // the Intent.
    if (IScript.class.getName().equals(intent.getAction())) 
        return mBinder;
    return null;

 * The IRemoteInterface is defined through IDL
private final IScript.Stub mBinder = new IScript.Stub() 
    public String executeScript(String script) throws RemoteException 
        if (script == "test")
            return "foo";
        return "fail";



well actually, I've no idea if I have to add something into manifest files when dealing with the aidl. In the one example I saw this;

        <action android:name="foo.otherapp.IScript" />

        <action android:name="foo.testapp.IScript" />


I would guess that the errors could be anywhere. I've been trying to set this up with chewing gum and band-aids. Guess I've just misunderstood some basic concept of this.


Anyway, any help is welcome.




I decided to answer my own question since I found an exact solution.



Everything worked just by copy pasting the source and changing the package names and function names correctly (assuming you're implementing this into your own project)


Source from client folder goes to the client activity and serviceimpl goes to service. I didn't need the 'Service activity', so I left it out ( and it doesn't really seem to be invoked anyway).


I don't have enough reputation to post multiple links, so you can get the source from the top of the page.

更新:请检查出的Andr​​oid SDK 1.5的更新示例程序

"Update: please check out the updated example program for Android SDK 1.5."


