


On a production environment I have an IIS hosted asp.net application, actually many web applications. Every app consumes a lot of memory but at the moment the only way to limit it is recycle (nHibernate seems to be leaking memory, and it's creating large amount of string collections). The problem is that after the recycle it keeps loging users out or rather dropping the session ? On local computer I couldn't recreate the issue. I've tryed using state server with no luck, the issue contined, would SQL State saving chane anything or am I just miss leaded or missing something ?


答案是惊人的,它是有关查看我登录我的应用程序状态的错误,我发现在的 MSDN网站,此行特别是:

The answer was surprising and it was related to view state errors that I logged in my application, I found a proper explanation on one of the MSDN sites, this line in particular :



"[...] When the application pool is running under a user account, the above keys are not generated leading to an intermittent invalid viewstate error."


In conclusion all that had to be done was generating a machine key and recycle is not causing users to re-authenticate anymore.


