












 的MemoryStream毫秒​​=新的MemoryStream(字节); // byte []数组
pictureBox.Image = Image.FromStream(毫秒);


GDI +这underlies图像类要求的源流保持打开状态的图像是否正常工作。这也是一个不错的主意,而图像是使用它来更改写入源流。改变应保存到一个不同的数据流。




如果你想提高你的PictureBoxes UI行为,试试这个:

设置InitialImage一个小微调的GIF。 设置WaitOnLoad为false。 指定的图像通过设置ImageLocation。 (您可以使用文件规范或它的URL。) 使用LoadAsync方法加载图像异步。

Right now I have an application that loads a bunch of thumbnail images into PictureBox controls. Sometimes over a hundred at a time. The images are created using Image.FromStream(MemoryStream), and the memory stream represents each JPG file.

Currently, as soon as I am calling Image.FromStream, I assign the reference to the picture box, then immediately after I Flush() and Dispose() the stream.

According to documentation, I should not release the stream until I'm done with the image. However, I have not had any errors doing this. My PictureBox controls can repaint themselves all day long with the thumbnail images even after the memory streams have long been disposed.

However, if I try to access these images in any way, such as calling the Save function, it throws an error.

If a Bitmap has a dependency on a memory stream or file stream, will it dispose of the source when you dispose of it? Or is this only when it creates the stream itself using Bitmap.FromFile?

Is disposing of the MemoryStream immediately like I am doing considered OK? The PictureBox must be caching the image in some way. I've never had an error because I don't need to touch the image once it has been set.

I also notice that it takes my PictureBoxes a long time to paint on their parent control. I am not sure if this is because I have too many controls, or because there is a delay the first time an image is painted in a PictureBox.

I know that when you create a new Bitmap with a file parameter, it doesn't actually load the file contents until it is first needed. My issue is, I don't want each OnPaint operation to be delayed by a file read, I want to make sure the data is preloaded before I try to paint the controls, otherwise I get flickering and slow painting.

Is there a good way to force an image to be preloaded? What are the discrepancies between Image.FromFile, Image.FromStream, new Bitmap(fileName), etc? Do any of these load all the bytes right away, or is it delayed until they are first needed?

Here's my code:

MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes); // byte[] array
pictureBox.Image = Image.FromStream(ms);


GDI+ which underlies the Image classes require that the source stream remain open while the Image exists to work properly. It's also a bad idea to write changes to the source stream while Image is using it. Changes should be saved to a different stream.

Everything derived from Image uses a Stream under the covers. Their loading behaviors are the same.

Image does not Close or Dispose a stream that was provided to it via FromStream. You have to manage that yourself.

Also, calling Flush on a Stream only has an effect if the Stream has been written to.

If you're looking to improve UI behavior for your PictureBoxes, try this:

Set InitialImage to a small spinner GIF. Set WaitOnLoad to false. Specify the image by setting ImageLocation. (You can use a filespec or a URL in it.) Load the images asynchronously using the LoadAsync method.


