
由网友(柠檬不萌香蕉不娇)分享简介:我有一个 CheckedListBox,我想检查另一个列表中的所有项目.此代码不起作用,因为 CheckedItems 属性是只读的并且类型不匹配,但它给出了我想要做的最好的想法.I have a CheckedListBox and I would like to check all the items that...

我有一个 CheckedListBox,我想检查另一个列表中的所有项目.此代码不起作用,因为 CheckedItems 属性是只读的并且类型不匹配,但它给出了我想要做的最好的想法.

I have a CheckedListBox and I would like to check all the items that are in another List. This code does not work since the CheckedItems property is read-only and the types do not match, but it gives the best idea of what I want to do.

    checkedListBox1.DataSource = DataSetSelectAll().Tables[0];
    checkedListBox1.ValueMember = "id_table";
    checkedListBox1.DisplayMember = "name";

    List<tableClass> list = MyCheckedList();
    checkedListBox1.CheckedItems = list;


I know this is wrong but do not know how to explain it better.


这样一次设置(检查)多个项目是不可能的,checkedListBox1.CheckedItems = list;

Its not possible to set(check) many items at a time like this, checkedListBox1.CheckedItems = list;

你可以更好地使用 for 循环,例如:

better you can use for loop like:

List<tableClass> list = MyCheckedList();
for (int count = 0; count < checkedListBox1.Items.Count; count++)
  if (list.Contains(checkedListBox1.Items[count].ToString()))
    checkedListBox1.SetItemChecked(count, true);

