数据集是否应该在企业级 Web 应用程序中使用?企业级、应用程序、数据、Web

由网友(苍风燃霜)分享简介:所以我在之前的一个项目中有一位架构师,他反对数据集.他讨厌它们,并说它们在 Web 应用程序中没有位置,特别是在具有大量流量的 Web 应用程序中.So I had an architect on a previous project who railed against Datasets. He hated th...

所以我在之前的一个项目中有一位架构师,他反对数据集.他讨厌它们,并说它们在 Web 应用程序中没有位置,特别是在具有大量流量的 Web 应用程序中.

So I had an architect on a previous project who railed against Datasets. He hated them, and said they had no place in a web application, specifically a web app which will have a lot of traffic.


I've noticed in many instances of code I've taken over that Datasets are used quite heavily.


Are they really that bad/performance killing?


Should I think about gutting the application of it's heavy use of datasets and replace them with lists populated via data readers?


I'm curious to hear what you all have found on the topic, or what your preference is.



Dino Esposito 文章 DataSets vs. Collections 可能是比较使用 Dataset 和 Collections 的一个很好的参考.

Dino Esposito article DataSets vs. Collections might be a good reference in comparing between using Dataset vs Collections.

我的偏好是遵循 域驱动设计的概念来使用域(业务对象)和集合 结合使用 NHibernate 进行数据持久化以及 依赖注入

My preference is using Domain (Business Objects) and Collections by following the concept of Domain Driven Design combined with using NHibernate for the data persistence and also Dependency Injection


