比较 R 中的数据集数据

由网友(女子无情便昰王°)分享简介:我已在 CSV 文件中收集了一组交易,格式为:I have gathered a set of transactions in a CSV file of the format:{Pierre, lait, oeuf, beurre, pain}{Paul, mange du pain,jambon, lait}...

我已在 CSV 文件中收集了一组交易,格式为:

I have gathered a set of transactions in a CSV file of the format:

{Pierre, lait, oeuf, beurre, pain}
{Paul, mange du pain,jambon, lait}
{Jacques, oeuf, va chez la crémière, pain, voiture}

我打算做一个简单的关联规则分析,但首先我想从每个事务中排除不属于 ReferenceSet = {lait, oeuf, beurre, pain} 的项目.

I plan to do a simple association rule analysis, but first I want to exclude items from each transactions which do not belong to ReferenceSet = {lait, oeuf, beurre, pain}.


Thus my resulting dataset would be, in my example :

{Pierre, lait, oeuf, beurre, pain}
{Jacques, oeuf, pain,}


I'm sure this is quite simple, but would love to read suggestions/answers to help me a bit.


另一个答案参考 %in%,但在这种情况下 intersect 更方便(你可能想要也可以查看 match -- 但我认为它与 %in% 记录在同一位置) -- 使用 lapplyintersect 我们可以把答案写成一条直线:

Another answer references %in%, but in this case intersect is even handier (you may want to look at match, too -- but I think it's documented in the same place as %in%) -- with lapply and intersect we can make the answer into a one-liner:


> L <- list(pierre=c("lait","oeuf","beurre","pain") ,
+           paul=c("mange du pain", "jambon", "lait"),
+           jacques=c("oeuf","va chez la crémière", "pain", "voiture"))
> reference <- c("lait", "oeuf", "beurre", "pain")


> lapply(L,intersect,reference)
[1] "lait"   "oeuf"   "beurre" "pain"  

[1] "lait"

[1] "oeuf" "pain"

