


I am writing an Admin App that will download the latest updated app from my website and install. The only way to do the install that I have found is to invoke the package installer using a starActivity(). Passing control over to the System Installer app makes perfect sense, but it also interferes with the user experience of the admin app. How can I keep the user inside my admin app while interacting with the System Installer app? Or at least return to my Admin app after they exit the System Installer app? This question really applies anytime you need to pop up a system app to do something. How do you preserve the user experience of the app that launches the system app?


没有系统安装程序无法安装的应用程序,这将是一个严重的安全隐患 - 你可以绕过显示所需的权限列表。 (Root权限的装置,它通过文件系统操作是可能的)。

You cannot install applications without the system installer, it would be a serious security risk - you could bypass showing the list of required permissions. (On rooted devices, it is possible via filesystem operations).


Users can return to your application via the back key after install (see this article about task and activity stacks). If I remember correctly, closing the installer with the "Done" button will also have the same result, try it with Astro).


