错误:您的计算机在命令行中缺少 cygintl-2.dll您的、命令行、错误、计算机

由网友(偏执狂)分享简介:我在我的 Windows 8 电脑上使用命令行,在我输入 ls 命令后,我收到以下错误:I was using my command line on my Windows 8 pc, after I typed the ls command, then I got the following error: ls.e...

我在我的 Windows 8 电脑上使用命令行,在我输入 ls 命令后,我收到以下错误:

I was using my command line on my Windows 8 pc, after I typed the ls command, then I got the following error:

ls.exe-系统错误程序无法启动,因为您的计算机缺少 cygintl-2.dll.尝试重新安装程序以解决此问题.

ls.exe-System Error The program can't start because cygintl-2.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

其实我google了一下,看了一些视频,我试过下载一个cygintl-2.dll zip文件,然后解压dll文件,然后把它复制到system32文件夹.但是,它仍然显示错误.我还尝试重新安装 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable.它也失败了.我不知道在哪里可以找到任何帮助.希望任何人都可以帮助我.非常感谢!!!

Actually, I have googled it and watched some vids, I have tried download a cygintl-2.dll zip file, then extracted the dll file then copy it to the system32 folder. However, it still display the error. I also tried to reinstall the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. it was failed also. I have no idea where I can find any help about this. Hope anyone can help me. Many Thanks!!!


是因为缺少cygintl-2.dll&cygintl-1.dll在 OpenSSH/bin 中.

It is because of the lack of cygintl-2.dll&cygintl-1.dll in OpenSSH/bin.

尝试找到并下载这两个dll,然后将它们复制到OpenSSH/bin中(通常安装在/program files/openssh/bin,也可以查看环境路径找到安装路径)

