Visual Studio的前preSS不能调试 - "调试器安装不正确"不正确、调试器、Studio、Visual

由网友(如果当初勇敢一点)分享简介:我最近成立的Visual Web Developer 2008例preSS版在我的笔记本电脑(运行XP SP3)开发一些C#.NET code的网站。一切似乎是工作太棒了,我可以编辑code和网站运行在IIS ... I have recently set up Visual Web Developer 2008 E...

我最近成立的Visual Web Developer 2008例preSS版在我的笔记本电脑(运行XP SP3)开发一些C#.NET code的网站。一切似乎是工作太棒了,我可以编辑code和网站运行在IIS ...

I have recently set up Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition on my laptop (running XP SP3) to develop some c# .net code for a website. All seemed to be working great, I can edit code and the website runs in IIS...


The problem came when I hit F5 to debug. I get the following error message:


"Unable to attach to application 'WebDev.WebServer.EXE' (PID: 3520) using 'VITCH2000'. The debugger is not properly installed. Cannot debug the requested type of code. Run setup to install or repair the debugger"

我用Google搜索了错误信息,并花了几个小时尝试不同的修复,但没有喜悦。调试器拒绝工作。我还修复了.NET框架(2,3和3.5),并卸载/重新安装/修复的Visual Web开发人员2008年防爆preSS版,但同样的错误仍然存​​在。

I have googled the error message and spent hours trying various fixes but no joy. The debugger refuses to work. I also repaired the .net framework (2, 3 and 3.5) and uninstalled/ reinstalled/ repaired Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition but the same error remains.

我也重新注册在C dll文件: Program Files文件共同文件微软共享 VS7Debug文件,甚至删除他们全部卸载后重新安装,但似乎没有任何帮助的。

I also re-registered the dlls in C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedVS7Debug and even deleted them all between uninstalling and re-installing but nothing seems to help.

有谁知道它的设置,我的意思运行或一种方法,使这个调试器的工作?任何想法多少AP preciated!

Does anyone know which setup I am meant to run or a way to make this debugger work? Any ideas much appreciated!



I seem to have a solution (of sorts). I decided to try using "Open Web Site > Local IIS" to open the website instead of "Open Web Site > Filesystem". The debugger now works!!! YAY! There is a downside to this though. There is a bunch of third party code linked in to the site as a virtual directory in IIS. The site now takes much longer to compile because it seems to compile (or at least error check) all of that code before launching the site. Is there a way around this.

由于文件系统的方法,我的台式电脑我​​也决定尝试检查出的网站code到不同的目录在我的电脑上,并使用打开网站>文件系统打开新的文件夹上正常工作。你猜怎么了?它还调试正确!如此看来,有什么不对与我创建的具体项目的设置。而在所有VS的重新安装这些用户文件还没有被替换(即使在一个点上我删除了整个我的文档 Visual Studio 2008的目录。

Since the filesystem method was working correctly on my desktop computer I also decided to try checking out the site code to a different directory on my computer and using "Open Web Site > Filesystem" to open that new folder. Guess what? It also debugs correctly!! So it seems that there is something wrong with the settings for the specific project I created. And in all of the reinstalls of VS those user files haven't been replaced (even though at one point I deleted the entire "My DocumentsVisual Studio 2008" directory.


Any ideas how I can delete all the user settings files for the initial project so that I can debug from the original filesystem location?


