一行中的多个 plotly 饼图多个、plotly、饼图

由网友(离线勿扰.)分享简介:我正在尝试使用 plotly 包中的 subplot 函数将两个饼图排列在一行中,但结果图不是我所期望的.我可以对折线图等做同样的事情,但是在一行中绘制两个饼图时遇到了麻烦.以下是我拥有的代码.I am trying to arrange two pie charts in a single row using th...

我正在尝试使用 plotly 包中的 subplot 函数将两个饼图排列在一行中,但结果图不是我所期望的.我可以对折线图等做同样的事情,但是在一行中绘制两个饼图时遇到了麻烦.以下是我拥有的代码.

I am trying to arrange two pie charts in a single row using the subplot function from the plotly package but the resultant plot is not what I expect. I was able to do the same for line charts, etc but I am facing trouble plotting two pie charts in a single row. Following is the code that I have.

ds_r <- data.frame(labels = c("Baseline", "DTC", "Detailing", "Flex"),
                 values = c(63.5, 8.5, 20.6, 7.4))

ds_l <- data.frame(labels = c("Baseline"),
                 values = c(100))

plot_right <- plot_ly(ds_r, labels = labels, values = values, type = "pie") %>% 
  layout(title = "Sales - Decomposed")

plot_left <- plot_ly(ds_l, labels = labels, values = values, type = "pie") %>%
  layout(title = "Total Sales")

subplot(plot_left, plot_right, nrows = 2)



If you check the red boxes at the bottom of the image, there are two sets of axes which means there are two plots but they are probably getting overlapped or something.


I want the output to be two pie charts in a single row without any axes. Any help or direction?


plotly 的开发版本中有新的改进的 subplot 功能,但出现错误"仍然存在.我不确定它与饼图的效果如何.我在 Github 上提交了 issue.

There is new improved subplot functionality coming in the development version of plotly, but it appears the "bug" persists. I am not sure though how well it works with pie charts. I filed an issue on Github.

# devtools::install_github('ropensci/plotly")

ds_r <- data.frame(labels1 = c("Baseline", "DTC", "Detailing", "Flex"),
                   values1 = c(63.5, 8.5, 20.6, 7.4))

ds_l <- data.frame(labels2 = c("Baseline"),
                   values2 = c(100))

p <- plot_ly(ds_r, labels = ~labels1, values = ~values1, type = "pie", 
           showlegend = F) 

p2 <- plot_ly(ds_l,labels = ~labels2, values = ~values2, type = "pie", 
           showlegend = F)

subplot(p, p2, nrows = 1)

有关 subplot 的更多详细信息,请参阅 子情节小插曲.

For more detail on subplot, see the subplot vignette.


