
由网友(殇者离去)分享简介:我的应用程序为用户提供位置相关的通知,这意味着我需要知道我的用户作为实时越好,不要把太多的压力对battery.I地点已经研究了一下,创建选项下面的列表My app provides users location relevant notifications which means I need to be awar...


My app provides users location relevant notifications which means I need to be aware of my users' locations as real time as possible and not putting too much stress on battery.I have researched a bit and create the following list of option

部分激活锁定:它可以让​​屏幕超时而CPU保持执行的任务。但我只是想我的背景code至每n秒调用,检查是否有位置更新,如果该位置被改变然后将其发送给服务器。 AlarmManager :我可以用它来设计的重复任务,但不知道这是否会继续在后台运行无限期可以在用户故意杀害 partial Wakelock: which lets the screen to timeout but CPU keeps executing task. But I just want my background code to be invoked every n seconds,check for location update,if the location is changed then send it to server. AlarmManager: I can use this to design recurring tasks but not sure if this will keep running in background indefinitely and can it be killed by users deliberately.


I want my background code to be invoked every n seconds as long as the app is installed on user's phone. I am looking for theoretical answers not the actual code as I need to understand what I am doing.



public class StartService extends Service {

Timer timer = new Timer();
private final int TIME_INTERVAL = 10000;
GPSTracker GPSTracker;
Double latitude  ;
Double longitude ;

public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;

public void onCreate() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    GPSTracker = new GPSTracker(StartService.this);

public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);

private void doTimerThings() 
    timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {

        public void run() {

            latitude = GPSTracker.getLatitude();
            longitude = GPSTracker.getLongitude();

            // you get the lat and lng , do your server stuff here-----

            System.out.println("lat------ "+latitude);
            System.out.println("lng-------- "+longitude);

    }, 0, TIME_INTERVAL);


public void onDestroy() {


