
由网友(一生酷到底)分享简介:我想建立一个应用程序的Andr​​oid和确保用户只能使用此应用程序。 (即用户不应该能够打开或安装任何其他应用程序。)I want to build an app for android and ensure that the user can only use this app. (i.e. user shoul...

我想建立一个应用程序的Andr​​oid和确保用户只能使用此应用程序。 (即用户不应该能够打开或安装任何其他应用程序。)

I want to build an app for android and ensure that the user can only use this app. (i.e. user should not be able to open or install any other app.)


Is it possible to force such restrictions on an Android device ? And if it is where should I start ?



What you are looking for is called the "kiosk mode" (just to help you googling the appropriate term).

有在标准Android API,没有这样的事情(至少...尚未:的看到编辑的)。用户总是回来到主应用程序的能力,以preSS home键。

There is no such thing in the standard android api (at least... not yet : see the Edit). User always have the ability to press the home button to come back to the Home application.




This solution is a little weak (but may fit your requirements ?) : develop a "Home application" (it's very easy : just put something like this in your manifest :

<activity android:name="MyCustomHome"
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

这样,当用户preSS的home键:他将不得不选择在主页的应用程序来使用,如果用户决定让你的应用程序它的默认主页:他总是会回来给你的应用程序时, pressing的主页按钮。

With this, when the user press the home button : he will have to choose the Home app to use, and if the user decide to make your app it's default Home : he will always came back to your app when pressing the Home button.


Drawback : the Home button is not the only way to get out of the current app, and so this solution won't really block the user (for instance : on samsung, swipe from top to bottom always display the toolbar... and the user can do anything from there)


三星诺克斯是一个解决方案最近三星的设备(警告:它是企业庞大而复杂的安全解决方案:许多组件做很多事情,我想你需要一个合作伙伴三星获得存取权限亭模式API)摩托罗拉:有一个名为 EnterpriseHomeScreen 一个应用程序可以被用来运行自己的应用在信息亭模式 samsung-knox is a solution for recent samsung devices (warning : it's a huge and complex security solution for enterprises : many components to do many things and I think you need to be a samsung partner to get acces to kiosk-mode api) for motorola : there is an app called EnterpriseHomeScreen that can be used to run your own app in kiosk-mode


I guess other solutions exists for other constructors, but I'm not aware of them.


使用Android的5.0棒棒糖:在固定屏幕API 让你在的信息亭模式。为Android术语的信息亭模式的是屏幕钉住模式的。

With Android-5.0-Lollipop : the screen pinning api allows you to run your app in kiosk-mode. The android terminology for kiosk-mode is screen-pinning-mode.

为了让你的应用程序中工作的屏幕钉住模式的,你必须使用的 Activity.startLockTask (和的 Activity.stopLockTask()退出屏幕牵制模式)。

To make your app working in screen-pinning-mode, you must use Activity.startLockTask (and Activity.stopLockTask() to quit the screen-pinning mode).

默认情况下,用户必须批准屏幕钉住模式(弹出时会提示您的应用程序调用 startLockTask )。

By default the user must approve the screen-pinning-mode (a popup will be prompted when your app call startLockTask).


If your app is a device owner : then the user won't be prompted and your can go in screen-pinning-mode without confirmation.

用户还可以启用的屏幕钉住模式的一个应用程序手动选择:设置>安全>固定屏幕的。 (在这种情况下:用户可以通过同时持有的后退和近期按钮退出屏幕钉扎模式)

The user can also enable screen-pinning-mode for an app manually by choosing : Settings > Security > Screen Pinning. (in this case: the user can exit screen-pinning-mode by holding both the Back and Recent buttons)


