
由网友(似风没有归宿)分享简介:我工作的一个Android项目只支持API级> 14。因此,我们不使用Android的支持库。 I'm working on a Android project that only support API level > 14. As a consequence, we don't use the Android S...

我工作的一个Android项目只支持API级> 14。因此,我们不使用Android的支持库。

I'm working on a Android project that only support API level > 14. As a consequence, we don't use the Android Support Library.

我想使用的 导航抽屉 的与新的API,但我发现的文件是关于如何使用的支持库的创建导航抽屉。

I would like to use the navigation drawer with the newer API, but all the documentation I found is about how to create navigation drawer using the support library.

我如何创建活动只使用了Android的SDK API级别的导航抽屉> 14



You simply use the support library as it contains the functionality you need. It does not matter that you do not want to use the other functionality contained within the library. It does contain the sliding menu that you want to use so just use it.


The alternative is to write your own code or use a different library.

尽量不去想支持库作为为了向后兼容。它提供了不包含在功能标准SDK的(如 ViewPager SlidingDrawer

Try not to think of the support library as "only for backwards compatibility". It provides functionality that is not included in the standard SDK's (such as ViewPager and SlidingDrawer)


