如何加载使用XmlTextReader的HTTPS XML加载、XmlTextReader、XML、HTTPS

由网友(滿城花祭淚)分享简介:我使用 System.Xml.XmlTextReader 来读取一个HTTP位置XML流。现在我需要支持从一个安全的HTTPS站点读取。我怎样才能通过提供用户凭据以某种方式做到这一点? I am using System.Xml.XmlTextReader to read xml stream from a http...

我使用 System.Xml.XmlTextReader 来读取一个HTTP位置XML流。现在我需要支持从一个安全的HTTPS站点读取。我怎样才能通过提供用户凭据以某种方式做到这一点?

I am using System.Xml.XmlTextReader to read xml stream from a http location. Now I need support to read from a secure https site. How can I do this by providing user credentials in some way?


查看MSDN上的说明文件的 HttpWebRequest.Credentials 财产。它包含使用CredentialCache一个样本。

Check out the documentation at MSDN for the HttpWebRequest.Credentials property. It contains a sample using the CredentialCache.

这可能是你所需要的(在一个集成的安全方案),但你可能想读的的NetworkCredential 的文档,如果你想提供一个用户名和密码字符串。还有

This may be what you need (in a integrated security scenario), but you might want to read the docs of NetworkCredential as well if you want to provide a username and password as strings.


Once you have the HttpWebRequest working you just say:

XmlTextReader rd = new XmlTextReader(yourHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream());

