.NET code来阅读电子邮件到SQL数据库电子邮件、数据库、NET、code

由网友(深巷与她)分享简介:我要寻找一些链接和/或code片段,将允许任何一个asp.net网页,(或者一个Outlook插件),让我读发送到特定的电子邮件地址的电子邮件,然后解析除了电子邮件消息成组成部分(即主题,正文,附件等),并保存到我的数据库。I am looking for some links and/or code snippet...


I am looking for some links and/or code snippets that will allow either an asp.net webpage, (or alternatively an outlook add-in) that will allow me to read emails sent to a particular email address, and then parse apart the email message into component parts (i.e. subject, body, attachments etc) and save to my database.


The basic subject line and content are most important, but I'd also like to be able to iterate thru attachments and any in-line images and then de-construct the pieces and save into an sql database so the message can be reconstructed.

我所主要希望实现的是具有转发某些重要的邮件到非人类的电子邮件地址的方式,有我的应用程序挑开的片,然后保存到一个SQL Server数据库,然后再重新将它们发布一个网站 - 归档目的

What I am essentially looking to accomplish is have a way of forwarding certain "important" emails to non-human email address, have my app pick apart the pieces and then save to an SQL Server database, and then re-publish them to a website - for archiving purpose.


Any libraries or links that will make this painless as possible and keep me from re-inventing the wheel on this one?


The email I am using is a regular pop3 account, not exchange, if this makes a difference.


奇尔卡特做一个POP3组件,可能对您有用: http://www.chilkatsoft.com/email-dotnet.asp

Chilkat do a POP3 component that you might find useful: http://www.chilkatsoft.com/email-dotnet.asp

和外接-Ex的preSS周围做展望一个很好的包装,如果你不觉得对Visual Studio工具的Microsoft Office勇敢 HTTP://www.add-in-ex$p$pss.com/

And Addin-Express do an excellent wrapper around Outlook if you don't feel brave enough for Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Office http://www.add-in-express.com/


