
由网友(黑暗过后总有光明)分享简介:首先,我认识到这一问题已经被问过,我看过这些帖子并搜查网,并试图例子,但我运行应用程序时仍然得到这个错误:First off I realize this question has been asked before and I have read those posts and searched the net a...


First off I realize this question has been asked before and I have read those posts and searched the net and tried the examples but still get this error when running my app:

16 09-06:09:47.010:W / fb4a(:):BlueServiceQueue(3237):com.facebook.http.protocol.ApiException:remote_app_id不匹配存储ID

09-06 16:09:47.010: W/fb4a(:):BlueServiceQueue(3237): com.facebook.http.protocol.ApiException: remote_app_id does not match stored id

我可以从Eclipse运行应用程序,它工作得很好。我的问题是,当我将项目导出到一个APK,并通过电子邮件发送给测试人员,他们安装它不起作用。我与我的Play商店的密钥库导出,所以我敢肯定,这事做的hashkey但我只是不明白了这一点,倒很AP preciate任何意见,我可以得到的。

I can run the app from Eclipse and it works just fine. The problem I have is when I export the project to an APK and email it to a tester and they install it does not work. I am exporting it with my Play store keystore so I'm sure this has something to do with the hashkey but I just can't figure this out and would really appreciate any advice I can get.


I have generated the hashkey with the keytool using the same keystore and alias I exported the file as:

keytool.exe的-exportcert -alias android_market -keystore E: Droid的项目 keystore_market.keystore | C:的Java OpenSSL的 BIN OpenSSL的SHA1 -binary | C:的Java OpenSSL的 BIN OpenSSL的的base64

keytool.exe -exportcert -alias android_market -keystore E:Droid Projectskeystore_market.keystore | C:Javaopensslbinopenssl sha1 -binary | C:Javaopensslbinopenssl base64


I read ALLOT of posts that said this sometimes gives the wrong hashkey so I also put this code in my onCreate to generate it in the logcat and also on the screen and then exported the apk again:

try {
        PackageInfo info = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(
        for (Signature signature : info.signatures) {
            MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
            Log.d("KeyHash:", Base64.encodeToString(md.digest(), Base64.DEFAULT));
            Toast.makeText(NoteFBHome.this, Base64.encodeToString(md.digest(), Base64.DEFAULT), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {

    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {


在有人问我并把我的实际包名称在code :)但是,这给了我相同的密钥。然后我注意到Facebook的开发者控制台说,它可能需要几分钟打所有的服务器,但我已经等了几个小时了,仍然同样的错误。

Before anyone asks I did put my actual package name in the code :) But this gives me the same key. I then noticed that the Facebook developer console said it could take a few minutes to hit all the servers but I have waited several hours now and still same error.

我跟老Facebook的SDK,你可以修改实际的Facebook code,以显示它正在为hashkey但code出现在被改变版本3.0读取。

I read with the old Facebook SDK that you could modify the actual Facebook code to show the hashkey it was looking for but the code appears to be changed in ver 3.0.

我敢肯定有我丢失的东西,但我想我已经看过这这么久,我只是无法看到它。如果任何人有一个为他们工作或其他的想法要弄清楚什么花样,为什么hashkey是错的我就AP preciate它。

I'm sure there is something I am missing but I guess I have looked at this so long I just can't see it. If anyone has any tricks that worked for them or other ideas to figure out why the hashkey is wrong I would appreciate it.



Just wanted to give an update that I was able to fix this issue and provide any help for anyone with similar problems. The keytool gives a hashkey even if your string is wrong. In my case it was because I had the path of the keystore file incorrect. What finally made me realize this was another post indicating that I should be prompted with the keystore password but I never was. So for anyone else with this issue, if you are not prompted for the password you may have the keytool string incorrect. Hope this helps.




Just wanted to give an update that I was able to fix this issue and provide any help for anyone with similar problems. The keytool gives a hashkey even if your string is wrong. In my case it was because I had the path of the keystore file incorrect. What finally made me realize this was another post indicating that I should be prompted with the keystore password but I never was. So for anyone else with this issue, if you are not prompted for the password you may have the keytool string incorrect. Hope this helps.


