
由网友(好听的古风名字,好听的古风游戏名字)分享简介:我有一个的DataGridView 绑定到数据视图。网格可以通过在任何列中的用户进行排序。I have a DataGridView bound to a DataView. The grid can be sorted by the user on any column.我通过在数据视图调用NEWROW添加一行到...

我有一个的DataGridView 绑定到数据视图。网格可以通过在任何列中的用户进行排序。

I have a DataGridView bound to a DataView. The grid can be sorted by the user on any column.


I add a row to the grid by calling NewRow on the DataView's underlying DataTable, then adding it to the DataTable's Rows collection. How can I select the newly-added row in the grid?

我试图通过创建绑定到的BindingContext 的一个 BindingManagerBase 对象做数据视图,然后设置 BindingManagerBase.Position = BindingManagerBase.Count 。这适用于如果在网格未排序,因为新的行被添加到网格的底部。然而,如果排序顺序是这样的,该行没有添加到底层,这是行不通的。

I tried doing it by creating a BindingManagerBase object bound to the BindingContext of the DataView, then setting BindingManagerBase.Position = BindingManagerBase.Count. This works if the grid is not sorted, since the new row gets added to the bottom of the grid. However, if the sort order is such that the row is not added to the bottom, this does not work.


How can I reliably set the selected row of the grid to the new row?



As soon as you update the bound DataTable, a "RowsAdded" event is fired by the DataGridView control, with the DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs.RowIndex property containing the index of the added row.

//local member
private int addedRowIndex;

private void AddMyRow()
    //add the DataRow           

    //RowsAdded event is fired here....

    //select the row
    MyDataGrid.Rows[addedRowIndex].Selected = true;

private void MyDataGrid_RowsAdded(object sender, DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs e)
    addedRowIndex = e.RowIndex;


Not the most elegant solution, perhaps, but it works for me


