
由网友(邮吻)分享简介:我有一个Android应用程序将与USB设备进行交互,在的就取得许可与设备它交流Android开发者官方文件说:I have an Android App which will interact with an USB device, in the Android developer official documen...


I have an Android App which will interact with an USB device, in the Android developer official documentation for Obtaining permission to communicate with a device it says:


Note: If your application uses an intent filter to discover USB devices as they're connected, it automatically receives permission if the user allows your application to handle the intent. If not, you must request permission explicitly in your application before connecting to the device.


The Intent Filter is to be declared in the AndroidManifest.xml and using a resource file which will include the vendor-id and product-id.

如果我插入我的设备没有任何反应,即使有申报意向。 所以,我必须使用在其中明确涉及请求允许相同的官方文件中提到的方法。

If i plug my device nothing happens, even with the declared Intent. So i have to use the method mentioned in the same official documentation which involves explicitly asking for permission.


This works and i can communicate with the device, but it happens that the user has to give the permission each time the app is started, or the device reconnected. In the end this will present a message to the user asking for confirmation each time the device is plugged and the application started, and giving the same permission each time is not desirable.


So if the "... automatically receives permission ..." part is not working.

如何让我的意图过滤器的工作? 我在想什么? 我还有其他的选择吗?

How do i make the intent filter to work? What am i missing? Do i have any other alternatives?

此问题:Android USB权限对话框永远不会出现了相反的问题,但解决的办法会不会为我工作。 使得应用系统的应用程序,我无论是这里提到绕过权限将不起作用:USB通过Android的服务开放的配件权限

This question: Android USB Permissions Dialog never appears had the opposite problem, but the solution won't work for me. Making the app a System app and bypassing permissions won't work for me either as mentioned here: USB open accessory permissions through a service in android

任何帮助是极大AP preciated

Any help is greatly appreciated



I have the same problem, in your AndroidManifest.xml in the Activity that use the Device write this:

<action android:name="android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED" />
android:resource="@xml/device_filter" />

您还可以在你的XML资源,创建一个过滤器文件,如RES / XML / device_filter:

You also have to create a filter file in your xml resources, eg res/xml/device_filter:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <usb-device vendor-id="26214" product-id="26214" />

厂商ID和产品ID在这里有十进制给予 - 上述两个VID和PID是0x0123。你看到的USB设备访问弹出苏pression?


you must not call mManager.requestPermission(device, mPermissionIntent), so you have to directly call mManager.openDevice(mDevice); and you can communicate normally without the need appear permission pop-up message.

问候, 塞缪尔Reque

Regards, Samuel Reque


