如何使用从作曲家安装的 phpunit?如何使用、作曲家、phpunit

由网友(微风拂过的天)分享简介:I want to start unit testing my symfony 2 application with phpunit. I installed phpunit using composer (per-project dependancy).http://www.phpunit.de/manual/cu...

I want to start unit testing my symfony 2 application with phpunit. I installed phpunit using composer (per-project dependancy). http://www.phpunit.de/manual/current/en/installation.html

How do I now run the phpunit command on Zend Server? I don't have pear installed.

解决方案 CentOS使用composer install 报错 phpunitphpunit 8

If you followed the documentation, you have set the phpunit/phpunit dependency as a 'dev-dependency'.

If you don't have composer, you need to install it first. This is explained in the documentation: Installation *nix or Installation Windows. If you already installed composer, it is a good practise to update composer to the latest version by running the self-update command:

$ php composer.phar self-update

After your have done that, you need to install all dependencies, including the dev dependencies. This is done by running the update command with the --dev switch:

$ php composer.phar update --dev

All the dependencies are installed in the vendor directory. PHPunit runs from the console. Composer automatic put the console files inside the vendor/bin directory. You need to execute the phpunit file in there:

$ vendor/bin/phpunit -c app/

The -c switch tells PHPUnit to look for the configuration file in the app directory, Symfony2 already set up the correct configuration to run all tests that are in the <bundle>/Tests directory.

UPDATE (05-04-2013)

Composer has changed their update/install commands. update will install dev dependencies by default and if you want to install dev dependencies, you need to use the --dev option.

UPDATE (11-06-2013)

Composer has changed their commands again, the install command will also install dev dependencies.


