
由网友(Dislike 滥情°)分享简介:我试图写一个小C#/。NET库非常具体的财务计算。 I am trying to write a small c#/.net library for very specific financial calculations. 我写了仅仅依赖于.NET Framework的标准组件几类。也就是说,这些类的库要求无非....


I am trying to write a small c#/.net library for very specific financial calculations.

我写了仅仅依赖于.NET Framework的标准组件几类。也就是说,这些类的库要求无非.NET框架(4.0客户端)。

I have written several classes that depend only on the standard assemblies of the .net framework. That is, the library with these classes require nothing other than the .net framework (4.0 client).

现在我需要一个额外的类Excel集成。这个类将需要与Microsoft Office相关的附加组件引用和出类拔萃,就像他们各自的对象库。

Now I need an additional class for excel integration. This class will require additional assembly references related with microsoft office and excel, like their respective object libraries.


My problem is: Some of the users of this library may have office and excel, some not.


How can I add this additional class to the library so that both types of users can use the library without getting errors?


More precisely: If a user does not have office and excel, user must be able to run all the classes excluding excel-related one without getting errors.


thanks for any help, selmar



I was actually doing something like this. Assemblies were probed if they exist/will work.


You can do this in many ways, of course, but that's what I ended with:

在这个类到界面中提取所有功能(我们称之为:IExcel),并加入IsAvailable属性,它 实施假类实现IExcel,并从IsAvailable返回假(当然,其他方法抛出NotSupportedException异常)。 创建新的组件(重要的是:新的装配)与IExcel真正落实 实施工厂类创建,这将决定哪一个应返回和决心(或测试)catch异常


Assembly: MyFacade

// the interface
public interface IExcel
    bool IsAvailable { get; }
    // your stuff

// the fake implementation
public class FakeExcel: IExcel
    public IsAvailable { get { return false; } }
    // your stuff should probalby throw NotSupportedException


Assembly: MyImplementation

// real implementation
public class RealExcel: IExcel
    private bool? _isAvailable;

    public bool IsAvailable
        // return value if it is already known, or perform quick test
        get { return (_isAvailable = _isAvailable ?? PerformQuickTest()); }

    private bool PerformQuickTest()
            // ... do someting what requires Excel
            // it will just crash when it cannot be found/doesn't work
        catch // (Exception e)
            return false;
        return true;


Assembly: MyFacadeFactory

public class ExcelFactory
    public static IExcel Create()
        // delay resolving assembly by hiding creation in another method
        return Try(NewRealExcel) ?? new FakeExcel();

    private static IExcel Try(Func<IExcel> generator)
            var result = generator();
            if (result.IsAvailable) 
                return result;
        catch // (Exception e)
            // not interested
        return null; // didn't work exception or IsAvailable returned 'false'

    // this could be implemented as delegate but it's 
    // safer when we put NoInlining on it
    private static IExcel NewRealExcel()
        return new RealExcel();


What will happen?

如果您有Excel和MyImplementation组件可以发现,它会被加载,RealExcel类将被创建,然后用 如果您没有Excel,但你确实有MyImplementation组件,它会被加载,RealExcel类将被创建,但会失败在PerformQuickTest所以FakeExcel将用于 如果MyImplementation组件无法找到(未包括它)时RealExcel在MyFacade创建它会失败,所以FakeExcel将用于


You can of course do all those things with dynamic loading and reflection (less lines of code) but a little bit clunky to use. I've found this method most reflection-less.


