供应商:发布 - 标签 [] 没有要发布的内容 - 仅在生产服务器上器上、供应商、标签、内容

由网友(か染玖〆)分享简介:我正在使用第三方库,在本地,我使用他们提供的步骤安装了所有内容.I am using a third party library and locally, I installed everything using the steps that they provided. 我在包上运行了 composer requ...


I am using a third party library and locally, I installed everything using the steps that they provided.

我在包上运行了 composer require 并运行了更新.这安装到 vendor 文件夹中.然后我将路径添加到 config/app 中的 provider 中,并且还作为别名.. 我运行 php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SpatieLaravelAnalyticsLaravelAnalyticsServiceProvider" 配置文件创建成功,没有任何问题.

然后我上传到生产环境并继续得到 Class 'LaravelAnalytics' not found,我似乎无法找出问题所在.. I ran composer require on the package and ran an update. This installed into the vendor folder. I then added the path into the provider in config/app and also as an aliases.. I ran php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SpatieLaravelAnalyticsLaravelAnalyticsServiceProvider" the config file created successfully and I had no problems.

I then uploaded to the production environment and kept on getting Class 'LaravelAnalytics' not found and I can't seem to figure out the problem..

我运行 php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SpatieLaravelAnalyticsLaravelAnalyticsServiceProvider"

但我不断收到:Nothing to publish for tag []. 这让我认为这可能是问题所在,因为包没有发布.

But I kept on getting: Nothing to publish for tag []. which has lead me to thinking that this could be the problem since the package is not published.

我的本​​地环境是 Ubuntu,我的生产环境是 CentOS.如果我尝试 CD 到我的生产环境中的那个目录,它说找不到.

My local environment is Ubuntu and my production Environment is CentOS.. If I try to CD into that directory on my production environment it says cannot find.


Could this therefore be a problem with the case sensitive on how I am adding my providers that is not picking up this package?



are you using cached config files ? try using

php artisan config:clear


php artisan vendor:publish

