Composer 2,您的某些插件似乎与它不兼容您的、与它、不兼容、插件

由网友(腿毛交流群)分享简介:我尝试从 magento 市场安装扩展,但出现不兼容错误..I tried to install extension from the magento market place but I got incompatibility error..问题 1magento/composer-root-update-pl...

我尝试从 magento 市场安装扩展,但出现不兼容错误..

I tried to install extension from the magento market place but I got incompatibility error..

问题 1

magento/composer-root-update-plugin 已锁定到 1.0.0 版,并且未请求更新此包.magento/composer-root-update-plugin 1.0.0 需要 composer-plugin-api ^1.0 ->找到 composer-plugin-api[2.0.0] 但它与约束不匹配.问题2dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer 已锁定到 v0.5.0 版本,并且未请求更新此软件包.dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer v0.5.0 需要 composer-plugin-api ^1.0 ->找到 composer-plugin-api[2.0.0] 但它与约束不匹配.问题 3laminas/laminas-dependency-plugin 1.0.4 需要 composer-plugin-api ^1.1 ->找到 composer-plugin-api[2.0.0] 但它与约束不匹配.magento/product-community-edition 2.4.1 需要 laminas/laminas-dependency-plugin ^1.0 ->可通过 laminas/laminas-dependency-plugin[1.0.4] 满足.magento/product-community-edition 已锁定到版本 2.4.1,并且未请求更新此软件包.

您正在使用 Composer 2,您的某些插件似乎与它不兼容.确保更新插件或报告插件问题以要求他们支持 Composer 2.

You are using Composer 2, which some of your plugins seem to be incompatible with. Make sure you update your plugins or report a plugin-issue to ask them to support Composer 2.


how do I resolve this?


您可以将 Composer 降级到版本 1.x

You can downgrade your Composer to version 1.x

composer self-update --1

如果您需要切换回 Composer 2.x 版,您只需键入

And if you need to switch back to Composer version 2.x, you can just type

composer self-update --2

