
由网友(lovely day(美好的一天))分享简介:这是不容易解释什么是真正的问题,但我尽量; - 。)It's not easy to explain what the problem really is, but I try to ;-).下面是一些数据:在用IIS7(不RC2)的Microsoft服务器3GB内存只有这个应用程序是此服务器上在SQL Se...

这是不容易解释什么是真正的问题,但我尽量; - 。)

It's not easy to explain what the problem really is, but I try to ;-).


在用IIS7(不RC2)的Microsoft服务器 3GB内存 只有这个应用程序是此服务器上 在SQL Server 2008前preSS Repository模式 SimpleInjector MVCSitemapProvider


Ok now to the problem. It's not the startup because the site is loaded in 2sec. after app pool recycling. After the startup the pages are loaded in 200ms or less (or more), but sometimes (I cannot say when, because it's randomly and its NOT after the recycling) they need up to 2 minutes or more.


I tried glimpse to find the problem. It shows something like:

在ASP.NET开始请求:121456ms(这是随机) 过滤器:2毫秒 控制器:26ms 正文:298ms 在ASP.NET结束请求:0毫秒


It's like a request stacking, I don't know.



So I've removed the whole MVC SiteMap Provider but the phantom perfomance issue was still here.

然后我检查IIS配置,发现该程序池是网络服务,而不是ApplicationPoolIdentity(其他MVC解决方案上ApplicationPoolIdentity运行),现在它似乎更快和以前一样(页面加载< 50毫秒)!如果问题仍然存在,我会写在这个线程。

Then I've checked the IIS Configuration and noticed that the AppPool was a NetworkService instead of ApplicationPoolIdentity (the other MVC solutions run on ApplicationPoolIdentity) and now it seems even faster as before (page loads < 50ms)! If the problem still occurs I'll write in this thread.



I had a very similar issue on an MVC3 project with a somewhat similar architecture to what you're describing above. Our issue turned out to be tied to the MVCSitemapProvider. I will look for my notes as to what the specific issue was, but we found that if we disabled the SiteMap creating the menus, just as a test, everything was lightning fast, then when we turned that back on it would get slow.


I would recommend that as a next step for debugging the issue.


Okay, I talked to one of my co-workers from the project and I recall now. There are a couple problems. First of all, the MVC Sitemap Provider swallows all of its exceptions; this is not entirely bad but does make trouble-shooting difficult. We found two different scenarios that caused two slightly different issues, both causing a slowdown. First of all I do assume that in your _Layout.cshtml or whatever layout file, you are including a call to the provider to generate your menu and perhaps breadcrumbs as well.

如果您有在网站地图还没有定义任何时候你去到该页面控制器动作,企图生成菜单和面包屑异常后抛出异常,你永远也看不到他们。这是非常昂贵的,减缓该网页了。 如果您在您的站点地图中定义的节点指向的拼写错误,或根本就不存在一个控制器动作,每一次网站地图试图渲染菜单和/或面包屑,就抛出并吞下许多例外,为每一个页面。


Because of these two and other issues we had with the sitemap, I would really recommend scouring your sitemap file and making sure that you are representing all your controller actions within there, and that you don't have any nodes incorrectly defined. If you cannot be entirely sure, you may want to even put some breakpoints in the sitemap code and step through it to see if it's throwing exceptions for you and then trace backwards from there.


