
由网友(她是他梦他是我命)分享简介:我要发布图片在墙上,就像我可以从Facebook的网页做的。I want to post a picture to the wall, just like what I can do from the facebook web page.我已经试过这两种方式,但两者不是我想要的。I've tried these...


I want to post a picture to the wall, just like what I can do from the facebook web page.


I've tried these two ways, but both not what I want.

[Android帖子的图片至Facebook墙上] 这一次只是上传图片到图片库,就会出现在墙壁上的消息,但它实际上并不是一个职位。多张照片将放在同一个消息。 [Android如何上传图片朋友的墙上用facebook Android SDK中] 这一个职位到墙上,链接的图片。但它看起来像共享一个链接,画面是如此之小。 [ Android post picture to Facebook wall ] This one just upload pictures to the photo gallery, there will be a message on the wall, but it's not actually a post. Multiple pictures will be put in the same message. [ Android how to post picture to friend's wall with facebook android sdk ] This one post to the wall, with link to the picture. But it looks like sharing a link, the picture is so small.


Is it possible to make a wall post with a picture (a file from the phone, not URL)?


Which looks like I posted from the "Upload Photo" on facebook website.

https://p.xsw88.cn/allimgs/daicuo/20230906/3065.png (抱歉,我不能张贴图片)

https://p.xsw88.cn/allimgs/daicuo/20230906/3065.png (sorry I can't post image)




The accepted answer in the 1st thread is correct, with just one change, you see when you upload a picture in facebook, like in the screen capture you added, you post it to a specific album titled "Wall Photos".


In that answer they used me/photos, and that will create an album for the app (if one isn't already existing) and post the image there.


Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putByteArray("source", imageBytes);
params.putString("message", "A wall picture");
facebook.request("me/feed", params, "POST");


(you can obviously use the async runner)


If that does not work, then you'll have to get the "wall photos" album id of the logged in user first and then do something like:

Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putByteArray("source", imageBytes);
params.putString("message", "A wall picture");
facebook.request("ALBUM_ID/photos", params, "POST");

