
由网友(本仙女不需要爱情)分享简介:在调用 cmdlet 时,是否可以以某种方式扩展 powershell 变量的值,使其充当 cmdlet 的参数(具有相关值)?When calling a cmdlet, is it possible to expand the value of a powershell variable somehow so i...

在调用 cmdlet 时,是否可以以某种方式扩展 powershell 变量的值,使其充当 cmdlet 的参数(具有相关值)?

When calling a cmdlet, is it possible to expand the value of a powershell variable somehow so it acts as a parameter (with associated values) for the cmdlet?


Here's an example of what I'm trying:


Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "$SERVER_NAME" -Query "$SQL_STATEMENT" "$CREDENTIALED_SECTION" -Database "$DATABASE"

Invoke-Sqlcmd 运行时出现问题.它告诉我找不到接受-Username my username -Password my password"的位置参数,因此它正在扩展变量但没有正确地将其作为一组发送参数.有没有办法做我在这里尝试的事情?

The problem comes when Invoke-Sqlcmd runs. It tells me that a positional parameter cannot be found that accepts "-Username my username -Password my password" So it's expanding the variable but not properly sending it as a set of parameters. Is there a way to do what I'm trying here?


您可以使用哈希表将这样的参数传递给 PowerShell 命令,例如:

You can pass parameters like this to a PowerShell command using a hashtable instead e.g.:



请注意,在这种情况下,不必引用 PowerShell 变量.您还需要在命令调用中使用 splatting 语法,例如@<hashtable_with_parameter_name_value_pairs>.

Note that it isn't necessary in this case to quote the PowerShell variables. You also need to use the splatting syntax in the command invocation e.g. @<hashtable_with_parameter_name_value_pairs>.


