
由网友(眉目)分享简介:我正在尝试使用 jquery 即时将选择框转换为单选按钮,但我不确定最好的方法.I am trying to convert select boxes to radio buttons on the fly using jquery, and I'm not sure the best way.示例 HTML:我正在尝试使用 jquery 即时将选择框转换为单选按钮,但我不确定最好的方法.

I am trying to convert select boxes to radio buttons on the fly using jquery, and I'm not sure the best way.

示例 HTML:

  <form id="product">    
    <select name="data[123]">
      <option value="1">First</option>
      <option value="2">Second</option>
      <option value="n">xxxxxx</option>

我想在页面加载时使用 jquery 将其转换为:

I want to convert it at page load using jquery to:

<form id="product">
  <input type="radio" name="data[123]" value="1" />
  <label for="data[123]">First</label><br/>
  <input type="radio" name="data[123]" value="2" />
  <label for="data[123]">Second</label><br/>
  <input type="radio" name="data[123]" value="n" />
  <label for="data[123]">xxxxxx</label><br/>


And it needs to be dynamic so it will loop dynamically for each select box and each option inside (as different products have different options)


I'm trying to figure the best way. Either to get a multidimensional array of all the values first and then build the radio buttons.. or swap them out one at a time in a loop. Currently attempting the former, but I think I may be overthinking it:


    //Get Exising Select Options    
    $('form#product select').each(function(i, select){
        $(select[i]).find('option').each(function(j, option){
            option[j] = [];
            option[j]['text'] = $(option).text();
            option[j]['val'] = $(option).val();

    //Remove Select box
    $('form#product select').remove();


Has anyone tried this or have some secret/easier way of doing it that I'm missing?


我把这个放在一起,在几个浏览器中测试过,似乎都处理得很好.它将从 <option> 元素中取出数据,并为每个元素创建 <input/><label/><br/>一,然后去掉选择框.

I put this together, and tested it in a few browsers, all seem to handle it well. It will take the data out of the <option> elements and create the <input/><label/><br/> for each one, then remove the select box.

//Get Exising Select Options    
$('form#product select').each(function(i, select){
    var $select = $(select);
    $select.find('option').each(function(j, option){
        var $option = $(option);
        // Create a radio:
        var $radio = $('<input type="radio" />');
        // Set name and value:
        $radio.attr('name', $select.attr('name')).attr('value', $option.val());
        // Set checked if the option was selected
        if ($option.attr('selected')) $radio.attr('checked', 'checked');
        // Insert radio before select box:
        // Insert a label:
          $("<label />").attr('for', $select.attr('name')).text($option.text())
        // Insert a <br />:

