


I am not asking for book suggestions, but rather a plan of attack for learning Android. I have three books on Android, and even the beginners version is a little confusing. The good part however, is when the book explains the code, I can see the logic in the code, and understand why they are writing what they do; but I would not be able to edit the code to do something slightly different. For example, if the code is to create a button that says "Hello", I cannot write code to make the button Say Hello then open a picture, followed by a website.


I have also tried YouTube, and they have great resources, but again, after the lesson is over, that is it.

这是我购买的三本书 - 你好,机器人,Android应用的绝对初学者,开始的Andr​​oid游戏 - 都高度评价在amazon.com,但有一点,他们缺乏的是一个学习计划本身。你有什么建议,我怎么办?

The three books that I purchased -"Hello, Android" , "Android Apps for Absolute Beginners" , "Beginning Android Games" - are highly rated on amazon.com, but one thing that they lack is a study plan per se. What do you recommend that I do?



i give you my learn plan, and hope it can help you:

1.read由谷歌开发指南: http://developer.android.com/guide /index.html ,从 Actitity 服务,到 UI界面,等...不是所有上传你需要阅读,你可以阅读他们的一些地方,会给你的全局把握

1.read the developer guide by google: http://developer.android.com/guide/index.html, from Actitity to Services, to UI interface, etc... Not all post you need read, you can read some parts of them, will give you the global grasp


2.when you have a clear understanding of android platform and develop, you can read the book you purchased, like Hello Android, read content one chapter by one chapter, the most important is you must write the code when read the book


3.and then, if you want to develop the game, you can try read Beginning Android Game or Android Game Pro

4.您可以阅读API的演示,这是很好的演示和一些API好老师,并 HTTP ://developer.android.com/resources/index.html 的这是一个不错的选择。

4.you can read the api demo, it's good demo and some api good teacher, and http://developer.android.com/resources/index.html it's a good choice


5.right now, you can make some apps whatever you like, make you learning using in the actually project


at last, the best way to learn is the write the code.


