mvc 绑定/发布布尔到单选按钮布尔、绑定、单选、按钮

由网友(童话,仅仅是童年的笑话の现实,仅仅是现在的实际)分享简介:我的模型中有一个带有 NULLABLE 布尔值的列.现在在我的视图(用于编辑)上,我想将其绑定到两个单选按钮:是 &否.如果值为空,则只需取消选中这两个单选按钮.我该怎么做呢?I have a column in my Model with a NULLABLE boolean value. Now on my Vi...

我的模型中有一个带有 NULLABLE 布尔值的列.现在在我的视图(用于编辑)上,我想将其绑定到两个单选按钮:是 &否.如果值为空,则只需取消选中这两个单选按钮.我该怎么做呢?

I have a column in my Model with a NULLABLE boolean value. Now on my View (for editing), I would like to bind that to two radiobuttons: Yes & No. If the value is null, then just have the two radiobutton un-checked. How would I go to do that?




Once you have selected a radio button, there's really no way to unselect it (as a user). I'd suggest that if you really need a three-valued result, that you have three radio buttons -- Yes, No, Don't care.

<%= Html.LabelFor( m => m.Foo ) %>
<%= Html.RadioButtonFor( m => m.Foo, "true" ) %> Yes
<%= Html.RadioButtonFor( m => m.Foo, "false" ) %> No
<%= Html.RadioButtonFor( m => m.Foo, string.Empty ) %> Don't Care
<%= Html.ValidationMessageFor( m => m.Foo ) %>

