Android的Java的 - 反序列化的Andr​​oid平台上的文件文件、序列化、平台上、Android

由网友(弱点是你)分享简介:我有一个序列化存储和读取后文件的java的程序。所以,我把序列化的文件,并尝试读取他们在我的Andr​​oid手机上使用完全相同的code我用在Java SE(在Eclipse工作):的FileInputStream FIS = NULL;尝试 {FIS =新的FileInputStream(iwastedahalf...

我有一个序列化存储和读取后文件的java的程序。所以,我把序列化的文件,并尝试读取他们在我的Andr​​oid手机上使用完全相同的code我用在Java SE(在Eclipse工作):

的FileInputStream FIS = NULL;
尝试 {
    FIS =新的FileInputStream(iwastedahalfhouronthis.ser);



        数据数据= NULL; //被反序列化对象
        InputStream的是= NULL;
        ObjectInputStream的OIS = NULL;
        AssetManager资产= getAssets();
        OIS =新的ObjectInputStream(是);


检查出一些干将中的 上下文 。尝试保存文件到高速缓存文件夹,或者如果他们将是较大的文件,你可能会想尝试外部目录(如SD卡)。

 文件DIR = getCacheDir();

的FileInputStream FIS = NULL;
尝试 {
    FIS =新的FileInputStream(新建文件(目录,iwastedhalfhouronthis.ser));


  AssetManager资产= getAssets();
AssetFileDescriptor AFD = assets.openFd(iwastedhalfhouronthis.ser);
的FileInputStream FIS = afd.createInputStream();

编辑:一件事来尝试。把.ser文件中的一个名为新文件夹 /生(你必须手动创建它),并尝试这样的:

 资源资源= getResources();
AssetFileDescriptor AFD = res.openRawResourceFd(R.raw.iwastedhalfhouronthis);
的FileInputStream FIS = afd.createInputStream();

I have a jave program that serializes files that are stored and read later. So I take the serialized files and try to read them in on my Android phone (working in Eclipse) using the exact same code I used in Java SE:

FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
    fis = new FileInputStream("iwastedahalfhouronthis.ser");
   } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {

FileNotFoundException thrown. So ok, its probably not in the right place. So I place the file in every possible folder within the Eclipse project and try loading from those locations. No luck. Make sure the file name is correct, no luck. Use the fully qualified name given by eclipse: "/pleasehelp/src/com/imlosingit/iwastedahalfhouronthis.ser". No luck. Passed a file object into the FileInputStream. No luck. This was so trivially easy on Java. What's going on here?

-----------EDIT SOLUTION--------------------

        Data data = null; //object to be deserialized
        InputStream is = null;
        ObjectInputStream ois=null;
        AssetManager assets = getAssets();
        is ="fff.ser");
        ois = new ObjectInputStream(is);
        data = ( ois.readObject();


Check out some of the getters in Context. Try saving the files to the cache folder, or if they're going to be large files, you may want to try an external directory (e.g. SD Card).

File dir = getCacheDir();
//do stuff, saving the file in this directory

FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
    fis = new FileInputStream(new File(dir, "iwastedhalfhouronthis.ser"));
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {

EDIT: After reading your comment, I'd suggest storing your serialized files under /assets. Then you can use AssetManager to retrieve these:

AssetManager assets = getAssets();
AssetFileDescriptor afd = assets.openFd("iwastedhalfhouronthis.ser");
FileInputStream fis = afd.createInputStream();

EDIT: One more thing to try. Put the .ser file in a new folder called /raw (you'll have to create it manually), and try this:

Resources res = getResources();
//might need "R.raw.iwastedhalfhouronthis.ser" but I don't think so.
AssetFileDescriptor afd = res.openRawResourceFd(R.raw.iwastedhalfhouronthis);
FileInputStream fis = afd.createInputStream();


