
由网友(何必打扰)分享简介:我创建了一个简单的android游戏的基础上,月球着陆器样品,并且我在使用处理按键事件的一个问题。当活动开始,是的onkeydown或的onkeyup被调用的唯一密钥是DPAD上/下/左/右按键。既不是菜单,背部或dpad_center键触发onKey方法。但是,一旦我已经推了DPAD上/下/左/右按键,$ P $之一...

我创建了一个简单的android游戏的基础上,月球着陆器样品,并且我在使用处理按键事件的一个问题。当活动开始,是的onkeydown或的onkeyup被调用的唯一密钥是DPAD上/下/左/右按键。既不是菜单,背部或dpad_center键触发onKey方法。但是,一旦我已经推了DPAD上/下/左/右按键,$ P $之一pssing的菜单,返回,或者dpad_center键做触发这些方法。我没有得到任何错误,或任何迹象表明发生了什么错误。

I've created a simple android game, based on the Lunar Lander sample, and I'm having a problem with handling key events. When the activity starts, the only keys that onKeyDown or onKeyUp get called for are the dpad up/down/left/right keys. Neither the menu, back, or dpad_center keys trigger onKey methods. However, once I've pushed one of the dpad up/down/left/right buttons, pressing the menu, back, or dpad_center keys do trigger these methods. I'm not getting any errors, or any indication of what's going wrong.

这有可能是将焦点设置错误 - 该活动是由屏幕上的一个按钮启动,因此它可以在触摸屏模式。如果是这样的话,应该不会触及后退按钮让我在正确的对焦模式,这样我可以赶上事件?

It's possible that the focus is set wrong - the activity is started from a button on screen, so it could be in touchscreen mode. If that's the case, shouldn't touching the back button get me in to the right focus mode so that I can catch the event?


I'm using the emulator from SDK-1.5r3. I have not been able to try this on a real phone yet. Here's my onKeyDown.

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent msg)
    Log.d(TAG, "onKeyDown: " + keyCode);
    return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, msg);




Is this onKeyDown in a view or in the activity?


If setContentView is called passing in a view, and that view has setFocusable(true) called on it, all key events will bypass the activity and go straight into the view.


On the other hand, if your onKeyDown is in the view, and you haven't called setContentView on the Activity and setFocusable(true) on the view, then your Activity will get the key events and not the View.


Look for those specific calls but I think you're right about it being a focus issue.


