
由网友(那些年我很快乐,不为别的,只是很单纯的喜欢你而已。)分享简介:我正在开发一个免费的Andr​​oid应用程序。我希望用户能够创建PDF文档。我不会让他们为此付出的功能(创建PDF文档),但也有支付其他功能。在这种情况下,我必须买一个iText的许可证?我的应用程序是免费下载。I am developing a free android application. And I w...

我正在开发一个免费的Andr​​oid应用程序。我希望用户能够创建PDF文档。我不会让他们为此付出的功能(创建PDF文档),但也有支付其他功能。在这种情况下,我必须买一个iText的许可证? 我的应用程序是免费下载。

I am developing a free android application. And I want the users be able to create pdf docs. I will not make them pay for THIS functionality (create pdf docs), BUT there are others functionalities that are paid. In this case, do I have to buy a iText license? My application is free to download.



There is a free version of iText out there(4.2 I believe) from before they changed the license, but unfortunately it doesn't work with android. Unfortunately the only way in which you will be able to get the new version(which works with android) is to not distribute it commercially.

有虽然替代品(好吧,他们是没有那么好)。如果你不能让你的应用程序开源,看看 APW 。

There are alternatives though(okay, they aren't as good). If you can't make your app open source, take a look at apw.


