使用ASP / NET和MySQL的Web应用程序应用程序、NET、ASP、Web

由网友(年少轻狂,你狂我更狂)分享简介:在这些日子里,我会评估选择Web应用程序至极的软件需求将有可能扩大非常快的优点和缺点(想象的100台服务器农场)。你可以想像,我选择的驱动器方面是关于成本。in these days I'm going to evaluate pros and cons in choosing the software requi...

在这些日子里,我会评估选择Web应用程序至极的软件需求将有可能扩大非常快的优点和缺点(想象的100台服务器农场)。 你可以想像,我选择的驱动器方面是关于成本。

in these days I'm going to evaluate pros and cons in choosing the software requirements of a web application wich will be potentially scale very faster (imagine a farm of 100 servers). As you can imagine, a drive aspect of my choice is about the costs.

下面我自己的考虑: [+] ASP.NET是一个非常强大的,有效并得到广泛支持的平台,让我有信心能够轻松地找到技能人才的未来。甚至速度是另一个有吸引力的方面

Here my own consideration: [+] ASP.NET is a very robust, efficient and well supported platform that make me confident to easily find skilled personnel in the future. Even the velocity is another attractive aspect.

[ - ]表现最好的(不仅在CPU方面,但即使是在经济和生产力的长期)都获得了专有平台上。网络服务器许可证的费用是可以承受相比,赚取其他昂贵的因素的利益。

[-] The best performance (not only in terms of CPU but even in term of economics and productivity) are gained on the proprietary platform. The cost of webserver licenses is affordable in comparison to the benefit earned on other expensive factors.

在后端侧,在另一端,SQLServer是非常昂贵的,对于许多方面它被高估。 MySQL的满足了我的许可费用,功能和性能。现在看来,这很好地支持甚至.NET环境,使...

On the backend side, on the other end, SQLServer is very expensive and for many regards it is overestimated. MySQL satisfies me for the license costs, features and performance. It seems it well support even .NET environment so...


So, I'm taking into serious consideration to make this decision that, I've to be honest, leave me a bit sucked... :)

我对灯的工作和M $的世界,是的,有点整合,但从来没有考虑离地面那么激进的决定。

I've worked on LAMP and M$ worlds, yes, a bit of integration, but never taking a so radical decision from the ground.

是否有人听到这种方式实现的一个严重的项目? 我将AP preciate任何反馈,思考和批评。

Does someone heard of a serious project implemented in this way? I'll appreciate any feedback, consideration and criticism.




I think you should be looking at success stories instead. You can get horror stories about pretty much anything that you want, and you'll usually not know enough about why it really failed for them.


If you are already set with using .net I'd forget about that part of the decision, and move on to the specific issue of mysql vs. sql server.


The question really boils down to if mysql supports the scale that you need well, and if you have any other special requirements from it. Unfortunately I haven't used mysql in such scale, but I think looking for this info directly should give you the answer you need.


