密钥库被篡改或密码不正确 - 在App已经在谷歌播放密钥、不正确、密码、App









现在如果你有密码,然后先得到最后一次现场APK。生成符号键(SHA-1安培; MD5)从APK文件检查答案这里如何从APK生成密钥

然后得到SHA-1和后; MD5所有3密钥存储和匹配APK的SHA-1安培; MD5。他们匹配,那么您就可以知道哪些密钥存储用于标志APK(这是​​目前在谷歌播放)



I am trying to sign an app using the manual method found here http://developer.android.com/tools/publishing/app-signing.html#signing-manually

Our previous external developers have sent me three keystore files that I need for this (not sure why they would require three??). When going through the process of trying to sign my app I am prompted with a keystore password which I do not know (I'm trying to get this from them).

Is it possible for me to change this myself? I have the three keystore files but I'm not sure if this would have an effect as the app has already been signed and released to the store and I want to update the app rather than release a whole new one.

I know this question has been asked before I just wasn't sure if those answers directly applied to me as my app is already in the Google Play store and published


i have few suggestion for you.

if you don't know password of all 3 key-store then no one will help you. you must have to create new app with new package name(which is different from last live app on Google play), add new app on Google play

now in case you have password then first get last live APK. generate sign keys(sha-1 & MD5) from that APK file check answer here how to generate keys from APK.

then after get sha-1 & MD5 from all 3 key-store and match with APK's sha-1 & MD5. they are match then you are able to know which key-store are used for sign APK(which is currently on Google play)

use that key-store to generate new APK :)


