
由网友(很多时候昵称不需要设计得很复杂很多符号,反而简简单单最不容易)分享简介:我有一个与城市有关的选民实体,城市与省有关,省与地区有关,地区与岛屿有关.每个实体的关系是一对多关系.我想要的是统计特定岛屿中的所有选民.所以在控制器中,I have a voter entity that is related to city, city is related to province, provin...


I have a voter entity that is related to city, city is related to province, province is related to region and region is related to island.The relation of each entity is One-To-Many relationship .What I want is to count all voters in a particular island.So In the controller ,

public function islandAction(Request $request)
    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();

    $islands = $em->getRepository('DuterteBundle:Island')->findAll();

    return $this->render('DuterteBundle:Voters:islands.html.twig', array(
        'islands' => $islands,


    {% for island in islands %}
    <tr {% if loop.index is odd %}class="color"{% endif %}>
        <td>{{ island.id }}</td>
        <td>{{ island.name }}</td>
        <td>{% if island.region %}{{ island.region.province.city.voters|length }}{% endif %}</td>//I want to count of voters
    {% endfor %}


第 17 行的 DuterteBundle:Voters:islands.html.twig 中不存在对象DoctrineORMPersistentCollection"的方法province"

Method "province" for object "DoctrineORMPersistentCollection" does not exist in DuterteBundle:Voters:islands.html.twig at line 17


I tried to remove some entity like this

<td>{% if island.region %}{{ island.region|length }}{% endif %}</td>


And it works.It shows the total count of region.But I need to count the voters..Any Idea how to achieve this?




namespace ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntity;

use DoctrineORMMapping as ORM;

 * Province
class Province
 * @var integer
private $id;

 * @var string
private $name;

 * @var string
private $createdBy;

 * @var DateTime
private $dateCreated;

 * @var string
private $updatedBy;

 * @var DateTime
private $dateUpdated;

 * @var integer
private $regionId;

public function __toString()
    return $this->name;

 * Get id
 * @return integer 
public function getId()
    return $this->id;

 * Set name
 * @param string $name
 * @return Province
public function setName($name)
    $this->name = $name;

    return $this;

 * Get name
 * @return string 
public function getName()
    return $this->name;

 * Set createdBy
 * @param string $createdBy
 * @return Province
public function setCreatedBy($createdBy)
    $this->createdBy = $createdBy;

    return $this;

 * Get createdBy
 * @return string 
public function getCreatedBy()
    return $this->createdBy;

 * Set dateCreated
 * @param DateTime $dateCreated
 * @return Province
public function setDateCreated($dateCreated)
    $this->dateCreated = $dateCreated;

    return $this;

 * Get dateCreated
 * @return DateTime 
public function getDateCreated()
    return $this->dateCreated;

 * Set updatedBy
 * @param string $updatedBy
 * @return Province
public function setUpdatedBy($updatedBy)
    $this->updatedBy = $updatedBy;

    return $this;

 * Get updatedBy
 * @return string 
public function getUpdatedBy()
    return $this->updatedBy;

 * Set dateUpdated
 * @param DateTime $dateUpdated
 * @return Province
public function setDateUpdated($dateUpdated)
    $this->dateUpdated = $dateUpdated;

    return $this;

 * Get dateUpdated
 * @return DateTime 
public function getDateUpdated()
    return $this->dateUpdated;

 * Set regionId
 * @param integer $regionId
 * @return Province
public function setRegionId($regionId)
    $this->regionId = $regionId;

    return $this;

 * Get regionId
 * @return integer 
public function getRegionId()
    return $this->regionId;
 * @var DoctrineCommonCollectionsCollection
private $city;

 * @var ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityRegion
private $region;

 * Constructor
public function __construct()
    $this->city = new DoctrineCommonCollectionsArrayCollection();

 * Add city
 * @param ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityCity $city
 * @return Province
public function addCity(ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityCity $city)
    $this->city[] = $city;

    return $this;

 * Remove city
 * @param ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityCity $city
public function removeCity(ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityCity $city)

 * Get city
 * @return DoctrineCommonCollectionsCollection 
public function getCity()
    return $this->city;

 * Set region
 * @param ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityRegion $region
 * @return Province
public function setRegion(ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityRegion $region = null)
    $this->region = $region;

    return $this;

 * Get region
 * @return ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityRegion 
public function getRegion()
    return $this->region;



namespace ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntity;

use DoctrineORMMapping as ORM;

* Region
class Region
 * @var integer
private $id;

 * @var string
private $name;

 * @var integer
private $islandId;

 * @var string
private $createdBy;

 * @var DateTime
private $dateCreated;

 * @var string
private $updatedBy;

 * @var DateTime
private $dateUpdated;

public function __toString()
    return $this->name;
 * Get id
 * @return integer 
public function getId()
    return $this->id;

 * Set name
 * @param string $name
 * @return Region
public function setName($name)
    $this->name = $name;

    return $this;

 * Get name
 * @return string 
public function getName()
    return $this->name;

 * Set islandId
 * @param integer $islandId
 * @return Region
public function setIslandId($islandId)
    $this->islandId = $islandId;

    return $this;

 * Get islandId
 * @return integer 
public function getIslandId()
    return $this->islandId;

 * Set createdBy
 * @param string $createdBy
 * @return Region
public function setCreatedBy($createdBy)
    $this->createdBy = $createdBy;

    return $this;

 * Get createdBy
 * @return string 
public function getCreatedBy()
    return $this->createdBy;

 * Set dateCreated
 * @param DateTime $dateCreated
 * @return Region
public function setDateCreated($dateCreated)
    $this->dateCreated = $dateCreated;

    return $this;

 * Get dateCreated
 * @return DateTime 
public function getDateCreated()
    return $this->dateCreated;

 * Set updatedBy
 * @param string $updatedBy
 * @return Region
public function setUpdatedBy($updatedBy)
    $this->updatedBy = $updatedBy;

    return $this;

 * Get updatedBy
 * @return string 
public function getUpdatedBy()
    return $this->updatedBy;

 * Set dateUpdated
 * @param DateTime $dateUpdated
 * @return Region
public function setDateUpdated($dateUpdated)
    $this->dateUpdated = $dateUpdated;

    return $this;

 * Get dateUpdated
 * @return DateTime 
public function getDateUpdated()
    return $this->dateUpdated;
 * @var DoctrineCommonCollectionsCollection
private $province;

 * @var ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityIsland
private $island;

 * Constructor
public function __construct()
    $this->province = new DoctrineCommonCollectionsArrayCollection();

 * Add province
 * @param ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityProvince $province
 * @return Region
public function addProvince(ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityProvince $province)
    $this->province[] = $province;

    return $this;

 * Get province
 * @return DoctrineCommonCollectionsCollection 
public function getProvince()
    return $this->province;

 * Set island
 * @param ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityIsland $island
 * @return Region
public function setIsland(ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityIsland $island = null)
    $this->island = $island;

    return $this;

 * Get island
 * @return ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityIsland 
public function getIsland()
    return $this->island;

 * Remove province
 * @param ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityProvince $province
public function removeProvince(ProjectBundleDuterteBundleEntityProvince $province)



Why the errors says a method does not exist when in fact it exists in entity.Also I have no error in debug toolbar.It all says that mapping is valid


我像这样更改了我的 Twig 模板,错误消失了,但在表格中显示了意外的格式

I change my Twig template like this, the errors are gone but display unexpected formats in the table

{% for island in islands %}
    <tr {% if loop.index is odd %}class="color"{% endif %}>
        <td>{{ island.id }}</td>
        <td>{{ island.name }}</td>
            {% for region in island.region %}
                {% for province in region.province %}
                    {% for city in province.city %}
                        {{ city.voters|length }}
                    {% endfor %}
                {% endfor %}
            {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

Id 4 'OFW' 呈现正确的数字,但其余的呈现奇怪的整数.我知道原因,因为 Island('OFW') 记录中只有一个地区、一个省、一个城市和许多选民,而rests(Mindanao, Luzon, Visayas) 在每条记录中都有许多地区、省、市.如何修复其他 3 个岛屿(Mindanao, Visayas, Luzon) 以呈现像OFW"岛这样的数字?

Id number 4 'OFW' renders correct number, but the rest renders weird integers.I know the reason since Island('OFW') has only one region, one province, one city and many voters in the record, while the rests(Mindanao, Luzon, Visayas) has a many regions, province, city in each record.How to fix the other 3 islands(Mindanao, Visayas, Luzon) to render numbers like the "OFW" island?


由于之前的解决方案混乱",我放弃了循环.我尝试使用 DQL

I give up looping in the previous solution since its 'messy'.I tried instead DQL


public function findAllAll()
$query = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery(
  'SELECT i,r,p FROM DuterteBundle:Island i
  JOIN i.region r
  JOIN r.province p
  WHERE i.name = :name'
)->setParameter('name', 'Mindanao');
  try {
    return $query->getSingleResult();
  } catch (DoctrineORMNoResultException $e) {
    return null;

但当我尝试转储"岛时显示 null

but display null when I tried to 'dump' island

{{ dump(islands) }}//return null
    {% for island in islands %}
        <td>{{ island.id }}</td>
        <td>{{ island.name }}</td>
        <td>{{ island.region.province.city.voters|length }}</td>
    {% endfor %}


第 17 行的 DuterteBundle:Voters:islands.html.twig 中不存在对象DoctrineORMPersistentCollection"的方法province" 2016年零售行业报告,大卖场陷入萎靡

Method "province" for object "DoctrineORMPersistentCollection" does not exist in DuterteBundle:Voters:islands.html.twig at line 17

我认为第 17 行就是那个

I think the line 17 is that one

{{ island.region.province.city.voters|length }}

错误清楚地告诉你,实体 Island 内的属性 region 不是单个实体,而是实体的集合;你应该检查你的 Island 类定义.

The error is clearly telling you that the property region inside the entity Island is not a single entity but a collection of entity; you should check your Island class definition.


