
由网友(青衫温文)分享简介:我正在研究网络开发,但我确实遇到了一个问题.i'm study the web developpement and i'm actuelly stuck with a problem.我有两个选择按钮,其中显示了我的数据库,问题是我希望第二个选择按钮仅显示基于第一个的结果.有点像如果第一个按钮选择将在数字"和字母"...


i'm study the web developpement and i'm actuelly stuck with a problem.


I have two select buttons in which my database is displayed, the concern being that I would like the second select button to display only the results based on the first one. A bit like if the first button select would have inside "Numbers" and "Letters" and the second in consequences would have inside "1" "2" "3" if in the first select button we choose "Numbers" and "a" "b" "c" if we choose "Letters". I currently only have the full display of my entire database in the second and it does not do the sorting. I tried a lot of thing but not realy working this is why i come here to have some help or tips.

我目前正在使用 Symfony 3.4 和 ubuntu.

I'm currently working with Symfony 3.4 and on ubuntu.


Here is the code for my first select button

<select id="sel1" class="formDevis" >
                            <option> Cliquez pour choisir </option>
                        {% for categorie in categories %}
                            <option>{{ categorie.nomCategories }} 
                        {% endfor %}


Here is the code for my second select button

<select id="prod1" class="formDevis">
                            <option> Cliquez pour choisir </option>
                            <option>Non spécifié</option>
                            {% for produit in produits %}
                                <option>{{ produit.nomProduits }} 
                            {% endfor %}


And here is the code i use in my controller

     * Lists all devis entities.
     * @Route("/", name="admin_devis_index")
     * @Method("GET")
    public function indexAction()
        $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();

        $devis = $em->getRepository('DevisBundle:Devis')->findAll();
        $produits = $em->getRepository('DevisBundle:Produits')->findAll();
        $categories = $em->getRepository('DevisBundle:Categories')->findAll();

        return $this->render('categories/devis.html.twig', array(
            'produits' => $produits,
            'devis' => $devis,
            'categories' => $categories


I tried to have on the second button select the display of my database according to the first button select but I managed to have the complete display.


你可以像这样使用 javascript 来做到这一点:

You can do this using javascript like this:

$('#select_input').change(function () {//this is your main select
          var categorySelect = $(this);

          $.ajax({//here you ask the backend for the dependent objects
            url: Routing.generate('dependent_products', {id: categorySelect.val()}),
            type: "GET",
            success: function (products) {
              var productsSelect = $("#products_select");  //this is your target            


              productsSelect.append('<option value> Select a product of ' + categorySelect.find("option:selected").text() + ' ...</option>');              

              $.each(products, function (key, product) {//here you build the dependent select
                productsSelect.append('<option value="' + product.id + '">' + product.name + '</option>');
            error: function (err) {
              alert("An error ocurred while loading data ...");


Next step i configure routing and controller action

    path:     /dropdowns/{id}/subcategories
    defaults: { _controller: "AppBundle:Util:returnProductsOf" }
    methods:  GET
        expose: true


public function returnProductsOfAction(Request $request, Categories $categories)
        return new JsonResponse($this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('BackendBundle:Products')->findByCategory($categories));


请注意,如果您在表单中使用它,您需要添加 表单事件

Notice that if you are using this inside a form you need to add Form Events



