
由网友(若欢)分享简介:我有这个职位的类似的问题的Andr​​oid Wi-Fi直连设备详细信息然而,似乎din't获得该职位的任何解决方案。 I have the similar question with this postAndroid WiFi Direct device detailsHowever, it seem din'...

我有这个职位的类似的问题的Andr​​oid Wi-Fi直连设备详细信息然而,似乎din't获得该职位的任何解决方案。

I have the similar question with this post Android WiFi Direct device details However, it seem din't get any solution from that post.

这是任何方法可以用于设置类似的以的setName()或setServiceName在bluetoohAdapter&AMP功能的无线直接名称; NsdServiceInfo。

Is it any method can used to set the wifi-direct name that similar with function of "setName()" or "setServiceName" in bluetoohAdapter & NsdServiceInfo.



You can rename the device WiFi Direct name using reflection. Check the solution here: Android rename device's name for wifi-direct


Additionally, there is a file called p2p_supplicant.conf in the /data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf that contains a field where the WiFi Direct name is specified. You can edit it using my answer on with a slight adjustment: editing a value in the file p2p_supplicant.conf which is located on /root/data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf

只是一个注释,您可以手动更改手机的WiFi直设备的名称,而不需要的应用程序。目前在Android手机中WiFi-> Wi-Fi直连的重命名设备的选择。

Just a note that you can manually change the name of the WiFi Direct device on the phone without the need for an App. There is a rename device option in WiFi->Wifi Direct on Android phones.


Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.


