
由网友(念卿方知醉ソ)分享简介:我模仿一个帧动画;我拥有这一切工作空余的一个问题。我有一个for循环中,在每次迭代,它改变了ImageView的形象延迟后。I'm emulating a Frame Animation; I have it all working spare one issue. I have a for loop in wh...

我模仿一个帧动画;我拥有这一切工作空余的一个问题。 我有一个for循环中,在每次迭代,它改变了ImageView的形象延迟后。

I'm emulating a Frame Animation; I have it all working spare one issue. I have a for loop in which, on every iteration, it changes the Image of an ImageView after a delay.

for(int i = 1; i <13; i++){
            if (stop== false){
                String imgName = "b"+ Integer.toString(i);
                  id = getResources().getIdentifier(imgName, "drawable", getPackageName());
                Handler handlerTimer = new Handler();
                handlerTimer.postDelayed(new Runnable(){
                    public void run() {
                  }}, 300);



The issue is that run() doesn't refresh on every iteration; it only works once.


How can I refresh or make a new run()?


I'm open to any other way to do this.

任何意见将是AP preciated。

Any advice would be appreciated.


第1步:定义的Runnable 作为活动的数据成员(或是其他地方,这个code所在)

Step #1: Define the Runnable as a data member of your activity (or wherever this code resides)

步骤#2:转储处理程序,因为你不需要它 - postDelayed()是在查看以及

Step #2: Dump the Handler, as you don't need it -- postDelayed() is implemented on View as well

第三步:创建一个执行 postDelayed()调用一个辅助方法 - 我指的是方法, FOO() 在这里 - 和呼叫 FOO(),你有权不叫 postDelayed()

Step #3: Create a helper method that does the postDelayed() call -- I'll refer to that method as foo() here -- and call foo() where you right not call postDelayed()

第四步:在的run()的Runnable ,呼叫的foo( )再重新安排的Runnable 再延迟时间

Step #4: In run() of the Runnable, call foo() again to reschedule the Runnable for another delay period


