安卓的OpenGL 2.0雪碧优化雪碧、OpenGL

由网友(时尚流行的游戏名字)分享简介:HEJ,我在OpenGL ES 2.0中创建简单的游戏为Android。游戏将包含几类不同的精灵,但这些会出现不止一次。 现在,让我们说,我有1物体(精灵)。到目前为止,我已经实现了VBO和索引缓冲,这样一个对象作为整体存储在GPU的,据我所知。 我想现在要做的就是绘制这个对象多次,唯一不同的是位置。至于现在,这...


我在OpenGL ES 2.0中创建简单的游戏为Android。 游戏将包含几类不同的精灵,但这些会出现不止一次。


我想现在要做的就是绘制这个对象多次,唯一不同的是位置。 至于现在,这是实现如下:

的for(int i = 0; I< 1000;我++){
    glUniformMatrix4fv(uMatrixLocation,1,假的,最有价值球员,0); // TODO

    如果(androidVersion> Build.VERSION_ codeS.FROYO)
        如果(repairedGL20 == NULL){
            repairedGL20 =新AndroidGL20();




有关对象的一些详细信息。 它总共有24个顶点和纹理64×64。 目前有1K的对象我有35FPS,我想获得更高的FPS,因为我会画一些更多的精灵。

下面是我的着色器: 顶点:

 统一mat4 u_Matrix;

属性vec4 a_Position;
属性VEC2 a_TextureCoordinates;

不同VEC2 v_TextureCoordinates;

    v_TextureCoordinates = a_TextureCoordinates;
    GL_POSITION = u_Matrix * a_Position;


  precision mediump浮动;

统一sampler2D u_TextureUnit; //实际的纹理数据
不同VEC2 v_TextureCoordinates;

    gl_FragColor =的Texture2D(u_TextureUnit,v_TextureCoordinates);


  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,textureObjectIds [0]); //结合质感纹理对象


        texImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,位图,0); //发送纹理数据到OpenGL到当前绑定的对象






   < 0.0,0.0>
   < 1.0,0.0>
   < 1.0,1.0>
   < 0.0,1.0>



  < 0.0,0.0> [0]
  < 1.0,0.0> [0]
  < 1.0,1.0> [0]
  < 0.0,1.0> [0]

  < 0.0,0.0> [1]
  < 1.0,0.0> [1]
  < 1.0,1.0> [1]
  < 0.0,1.0> [1]

  < 0.0,0.0> [2]
  < 1.0,0.0> [2]
  < 1.0,1.0> [2]
  < 0.0,1.0> [2]

基本上我添加了一个新的领域顶点缓冲区,其中确定每组4分属于精灵;使用 GLubyte 以获得最佳性能。你会发现,同样的点的集合重复一遍又一遍。实施实例化这种方式有效地增加了存储需求来 O(N * V + 4N),其中V是原始顶点数据结构进行4点的大小,N为精灵的数量。




  #version 100

统一mat4 proj_mat;
均匀mat4 instanced_mv [16];

属性vec4 vtx_pos;
属性VEC2 vtx_st;
属性浮动vtx_sprite_idx; //这将是桌面GLSL一个UINT

不同VEC2 tex_st;

  GL_POSITION = proj_mat * instanced_mv [(INT)vtx_sprite_idx] * vtx_pos;
  tex_st = vtx_st;


GLES 2.0不支持整数顶点属性,因此指数必须是浮点 在索引统一阵列必须做到使用整数EX pressions的顶点着色器,所以转换是必要的。 模型视图制服的数是真正的限制因素有多少的精灵,你可以实例一次 在顶点着色器只需要支持128 4组分均匀变量(一个 mat4 计为4 4组分制服),所以这意味着,如果你的顶点着色器中有< STRONG>的只有的模型视图制服可以支持32(128/4)的最大阵列。 精灵索引存储为 GLubyte 在你的顶点缓冲,但要确保您不要启用浮点正常化当您设置你的顶点ATTRIB。指针。



I'm creating simple game for Android in OpenGL ES 2.0. The game will contain few types of different sprites, but these will occur more than once.

For now let's say I have 1 object (sprite). So far I've implemented VBO and Index buffering, so an object as whole is stored on GPU, as I understand.

What I would like to do now is to draw this object multiple times, only thing differing it's position. As for now, this is implemented as follows:

glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer.getBufferId());
for(int i=0; i<1000; i++){
    multiplyMM(MVP, 0, viewMatrix, 0, tempGetRandomMVPMatrix(), 0);
    glUniformMatrix4fv(uMatrixLocation, 1, false, MVP, 0);//TODO

    if(androidVersion > Build.VERSION_CODES.FROYO)
        glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, indexArray.length, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
        if(repairedGL20 == null){
            repairedGL20 = new AndroidGL20();
        repairedGL20.glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, indexArray.length, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);



If I understand correctly the main problem is call glDrawElements which is called every time I change MVP matrix. Is there any way of sending all MVP matrices to GPU and draw one element multiple times there with only 1 call to glDrawElements?

Some more info about object. It has around 24 vertices and texture 64x64. Currently with 1k objects I have 35FPS, I would like to get higher fps since I will be drawing some more sprites.

Here are my shaders: Vertex:

    uniform mat4 u_Matrix;

attribute vec4 a_Position;
attribute vec2 a_TextureCoordinates;

varying vec2 v_TextureCoordinates;

void main(){
    v_TextureCoordinates = a_TextureCoordinates;
    gl_Position = u_Matrix * a_Position;


precision mediump float;

uniform sampler2D u_TextureUnit;//actual texture data
varying vec2 v_TextureCoordinates;

void main(){
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_TextureUnit, v_TextureCoordinates);

One more thing I don't quite understand about textures. If I create texture something like this:

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureObjectIds[0]);//binds texture to texture object

        glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR);//minimization filter

        texImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, bitmap, 0);//send texture data to OpenGL to the CURRENTLY BOUND object

When I'll be drawing objects with this texture, where is texture saved, on CPU's memory or on GPU? Furthermore in example above where I'm drawing same sprite, is texture being sent to GPU each draw call? If this is so, is there any way to optimize this (something similar to VBO)?


For example lets say I have 1 object with 2 vertices that I want to translate to 2 places with MVP. How can I make "gl_Position" to be drawn in 2 separate places at the same time?

That can never be done. What I was referring to in my initial comment is something like a vertex buffer full of N-many (probably 4) vertices per-sprite... if in addition to the position in your vertex buffer you include an additional field, you can transform the vertices using different matrices in your shader. You will always have to define N vertices per-object, but you can use a static vertex buffer to do this as I will explain below.

Say you had a sprite defined by the points (before transformation):


If your modelview matrix includes scaling information, you can use the same set of points over and over, by the way.

Now, if you want to extend this to draw 3 sprites in a single call, you could do this:

  Position  Idx
  <0.0,0.0> [0]
  <1.0,0.0> [0]
  <1.0,1.0> [0]
  <0.0,1.0> [0]

  <0.0,0.0> [1]
  <1.0,0.0> [1]
  <1.0,1.0> [1]
  <0.0,1.0> [1]

  <0.0,0.0> [2]
  <1.0,0.0> [2]
  <1.0,1.0> [2]
  <0.0,1.0> [2]

Basically I added a new field to the vertex buffer, which identifies the sprite each set of 4 points belongs to; use a GLubyte for best performance. You will notice that the same set of points repeats over and over. Implementing instancing this way effectively increases the storage requirements to O (N*V + 4N), where V is the size of the original vertex data structure for 4 points and N is the number of sprites.

You can go as far as to define a vertex buffer that contains enough points for 16 sprites, and then when you want to draw multiple sprites in a single call you will always use the same vertex buffer and use a subset of the total number of points. To draw 4 sprites using this vertex buffer, simply draw the first 16 out of the 64 points it contains total.

Now, this is only half of the process. You also need to setup your vertex shader to take an array of modelview matrix uniforms that define the transformation per-sprite.

Here is an example vertex shader that could be used to do this:

#version 100

uniform mat4    proj_mat;
uniform mat4    instanced_mv [16];

attribute vec4  vtx_pos;
attribute vec2  vtx_st;
attribute float vtx_sprite_idx; // This would be a uint in desktop GLSL

varying   vec2  tex_st;

void main (void) {
  gl_Position = proj_mat * instanced_mv [(int)vtx_sprite_idx] * vtx_pos;
  tex_st      = vtx_st;

There are a few of things to note here:

GLES 2.0 does not support integer vertex attributes, so the index must be floating-point Indexing uniform arrays must be done using integer expressions in vertex shaders, so a cast is necessary. The number of modelview uniforms is really the limiting factor to how many sprites you can instance at once Vertex shaders are only required to support 128 4-component uniform variables (a mat4 counts as 4 4-component uniforms), so this means if your vertex shader had only modelview uniforms you could support a maximum array of 32 (128/4). Store the sprite index as a GLubyte in your vertex buffer, but make sure you do not enable floating-point normalization when you set up your Vertex Attrib. Pointer.

Last, this shader has not been tested. If you have trouble understanding anything here or run into issues implementing this, feel free to leave a comment.


