无法转换类型'X'的对象类型“X” - ASP.NET类型、对象、NET、ASP

由网友(造次)分享简介:我目前工作在Visual Studio 2008中,每次一个ASP.NET网站项目中,我进行了更改code隐藏页的用户控制和浏览网页,使用的是用户contorl我得到以下错误:I am currently working with a ASP.NET Web site project in Visual Studio...

我目前工作在Visual Studio 2008中,每次一个ASP.NET网站项目中,我进行了更改code隐藏页的用户控制和浏览网页,使用的是用户contorl我得到以下错误:

I am currently working with a ASP.NET Web site project in Visual Studio 2008 and everytime I make a change to code behind page for a user control and browse to page that is using the user contorl I get the following error:

无法转换类型的对象   ASP.basepage_master到类型   ASP.basepage_master。

Unable to cast object of type 'ASP.basepage_master' to type 'ASP.basepage_master'.


I have to rebuild my entire solution to order to resolve this error. Has anyone else experienced this error and do they know how to resolve it?



If I stop and restarted IIS on my local workstation, I am able to resolve this issue.


