
由网友(终是不再见了)分享简介:下面是我的code:DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();HttpGet request = new HttpGet(url);HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);这适用于所有的网址我已经试...


DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet request = new HttpGet(url);
HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);


This works for every url I have tried so far, except for some urls that contain an anchor. Some of these anchored urls return a 400. The weird thing is that it isn't all links that contain an anchor, a lot of them work just fine.


Unfortunately, I have to be really general as I can't provide the specific urls here.


The links are completely valid and work just fine in any browser, but the HttpClient returns a 400 when trying the link. If I remove the anchor it will work.


例如: http://www.somedomain.com/somedirectory/somepage#someanchor



I should mention this is for Android.


由于@Greg桑塞姆说,该网址不应该与锚/片段发送。 URL的片段的部分是不相关的服务器

As @Greg Sansom says, the URL should not be sent with an anchor / fragment. The fragment part of the URL is not relevant to the server.

下面是从相关部分预期的URL语法HTTP 1.1规范的:

Here's the expected URL syntax from relevant part of the HTTP 1.1 specification:

    http_URL = "http:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path [ "?" query ]] 



What happens if you do send a fragment clearly is server implementation specific. I expect that you will see a variety of responses:

在某些服务器会悄悄地剥夺/忽略片段组成部分。 (这是你期待发生)。 在某些服务器可能会将此视为一个请求错误和一个400响应。 在某些服务器可能会错误地把该片段的路径或查询的一部分,并给你一个404或其他一些反应,这取决于如何鱼目混珠的片段,使服务器。 在某些服务器实际上可能灌输的片段与特定的含义。 (这在我看来是一个愚蠢的事情,但你永远不知道...)

IMO,最明智的解决办法是实例化 HTTPGET 对象之前从URL中剥离了。

IMO, the most sensible solution is to strip it from the URL before instantiating the HttpGet object.


推荐的方式来从URL字符串中删除片段是把它变成一个的java.net.URL java.net.URI中实例,提取相关成分,用这些来创建一个新的的java.net.URL java.net.URI中实例(遗漏了当然的片段),并最终把它放回一个字符串。

The recommended way to remove a fragment from a URL string is to turn it into a java.net.URL or java.net.URI instance, extract the relevant components, use these to create a new java.net.URL or java.net.URI instance (leaving out the fragment of course), and finally turn it back into a String.

不过,我认为下面还应该工作,如果你可以安全地假设您的网址都是有效的绝对HTTP或HTTPS URL。

But I think that the following should also work, if you can safely assume that your URLs are all valid absolute HTTP or HTTPS URLs.

    int pos = url.indexOf("#");
    String strippedUrl = (pos >= 0) ? url.substring(0, pos) : url;

