
由网友(稳住,这局赢不了了)分享简介:我正在尝试实现一个简单的堆栈,但我很困惑为什么当我将一个整数压入堆栈时会得到一个无限列表.I'm trying to implement a simple Stack but I'm confused as to why I get an infinite list when I push an integer to...


I'm trying to implement a simple Stack but I'm confused as to why I get an infinite list when I push an integer to the stack.

所有其他功能都按我的预期工作,但我不明白 push 的问题.当我尝试将一个空堆栈分配给已推送如下变量的自身时,它会出错:

All of the other functions work as I expect them but I don't understand the problem with push. It goes wrong when I try to assign an empty stack to itself that has pushed a variable like the following:

λ > a = makeStack
λ > push 3 a
λ > a
λ > a = push 3 a
λ > a

type Stack a = [a]

makeStack :: Stack a 
makeStack = []

push :: a -> Stack a -> Stack a
push a as = (a:as)


Haskell 不允许突变.在源文件中,如果您定义一个变量 a 然后尝试重新分配它,就像您在此处使用 a = push 3 a 所做的那样,您会得到一个编译错误.您不这样做的唯一原因是您在 GHCi 中工作,它确实允许您重新定义变量 - 这纯粹是一种方便,因此您不必在尝试不同的定义时不断思考新名称.

Haskell does not allow mutation. In a source file, if you define a variable a and then attempt to reassign it, as you do here with a = push 3 a, you would get a compilation error. The only reason you don't is that you are working in GHCi, which does allow you to redefine variables - this is purely a convenience so you don't have to keep on thinking up new names while experimenting with different definitions.

而且,至关重要的是,a = push 3 a 不是基于前一个值给 a 一个新值,因为它会使用命令式语言.相反,它是a 就其自身而言的定义.

And, crucially, a = push 3 a is not giving a new value to a based on the previous one, as it would be in an imperative language. Instead, it is a definition of a in terms of itself.

这就是你得到一个无限列表的原因 - 你的定义被处理如下:

That's why you get an infinite list - your definition is processed as follows:

a = push 3 a
   = 3:a
   = 3:(push 3 a)
   = 3:(3:a)

等等.由于 Haskell 的懒惰,这样的定义没有问题 - 当您要求完整列表时,GHCi 会像这里一样一次简单地计算一个元素,因此会一直打印 3 秒,直到您告诉它停止.

and so on. Because of Haskell's laziness, there's no problem with a definition like this - GHCi will, when you ask for the full list, as here, simply calculate one element at a time, and therefore keep printing 3s until you tell it to stop.

要获得您想要的,您只需键入 push 3 a,或者如果您需要为其指定名称,只需从 a 中选择一个不同的名称.b = push 3 a 后跟 b 将按照您的预期运行.

To get what you want, you need to either just type push 3 a, or if you need to assign it a name, simply choose a different name from a. b = push 3 a followed by b will behave as you expect.


